Part 21~ Visions And A Loss

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**Third POV**

Taurtis chocked for air as he leaned his back against the cold brick walls of the building. The sirens still wailed in the distance, but a few police cars drove past the alley. The alley smelled of puke, almost making Taurtis gag. He held his breath before he disappeared in the shadows. He was looking for the one thing that was concerning him. It was Sam. He needed Sam. He wanted to apologize. He had to. After all the pain he's inflicted on Sam, he needed to take it back and apologize. It was his goal.

Sam looked at Grian as they walked around their block. It was a cool afternoon. Sam saw a smirk on Grian's face. "And why are you giving yourself a smug look, Grian?" Sam laughed and lightly punched Grian's arm. Grian blinked and hesitated for a second before he laughed. "No reason." They were quiet for the rest of the walk home.
Sam decided to go for a walk alone, so he excused himself. Grian walked home without questioning Sam. Sam sucked in the fresh air. He felt calm and at peace. He had no worries, other than the children. But they were safe, Sam told himself. Grian could take care of himself. Grian was a tough guy. And Taurtis . . . where was he? Sam pondered as to how Taurtis was still alive. It's been at least a week. Sam expected to see Taurtis at his doorstep by now. He frowned. What if something was wrong? Taurtis couldn't stay away from his best friend for that long . . . could he? Sam shook his head. He didn't want to think about anything else. He just wanted to sit on the swings and--
He saw it. The moment he walked to the entrance of the park. He saw students running around, throwing basketballs in hoops. Kicking soccer balls out of the park, then running after them. And he saw her. He saw what has haunted him. He saw what had changed the way he saw him.
He saw Salex placing her lips on Taurtis'. Taurtis had a hand running through Salex' silky brown hair. She had a hand on Taurtis' cheek as they both passionately kissed on the swings. Sam heard his own voice say, "How could you?!" "Are you sorry you kissed her, or are you sorry you hit caught?" Sam stood there in tears as he looked at the empty swings. Yet, they weren't empty. They were full of memories. Depressing, shocking memories. Memories nobody would want to remember. Yet they were there for Sam to replay. They were there to haunt him. Sam fell to his knees and placed his hands on his head.
"Make it stop, make it stop! Make it stop!" Sam cried and begged for the visions to stop haunting him. Sam looked up again. Then he saw something else. He saw Taurtis being pushed around by the people in the park.
"How could you?" "You're sick!" "Go to hell!" "Go fuck yourself!" "You hurt an innocent boy!" Sam's crying began to soften. He saw Taurtis on the ground. He sobbed and begged for the people to stop. "Please . . . I didn't mean it! You don't understand!" Sam's lip quivered as he whispered;
"You meant it. Didn't you?" There was an eerie breeze that struck Sam.
"Of course I didn't. I love you Sam." A voice said. Sam frantically turned around. And there he stood. Taurtis. He has tears running down his face. His eyes were full of sorrow and misery. Just dark clouds. Where were the glimmers in his eyes he always had? Where was that cocky smile that always made Sam smile? It was just a weak, angry smile. Full of anger. He was depressed. He was in a depressed state. Taurtis truly loved Sam. He did. He couldn't find it in him to apologize without doing or saying something stupid afterwards. But he didn't apologize. In fact, when he saw Sam get up and move away from him, it only had the tears fall down even more. But his weak smile grew insane. Taurtis wasn't himself anymore. His thoughts were fogged. His goal was gone.
"You love me Sam. You know you do." Taurtis slowly put his hand behind his back. His finger curled around the trigger of his gun. Sam didn't put any thought to it, as he was thinking about escaping. He wanted out. But he was afraid. Tears rolled down Sam's face as he continued moving back. He hit his heel on a buried rock, and he fell back. He collapsed onto the ground with a poof. "Get away from me! You're not Taurtis, you freak!" Sam spat at Taurtis with pure poison and hurt as he tried to get up. That stung Taurtis. Expect, he didn't feel the pain. That wasn't Taurtis. It was a yandere.
"You're going to love me. Whether you like it or not, you will love me," Taurtis excitedly and insanely said. He had a wide smile on his face as he put a foot in front of himself. He slowly walked to Sam, and he held Sam to the ground with his hands. Sam struggled to break free, but it was no use.
Suddenly, a fiery red flash blinded Sam. Sam didn't know what had happened, but he found himself growing weaker and weaker. And he realized that Taurtis was eating off of Sam's demonic power and strength. Sam had no hopes. Especially for Grian. He told Grian to stay home and rest. Grian wouldn't be waking up until tomorrow. Sam began crying.
"Aww. Don't cry my Sammy-poo! I won't hurt you! I love you! Don't worry about Grian either. He's perfectly fine." Taurtis said with a chuckle. Sam's eyes widened before he realized something. He felt something poke his chest. His eyes slowly moved to the thing that was bugging him. And his eyes filled with tears. Taurtis had a bloody knife in his pocket. Something clicked in Sam, and he soon realized something.
"You monster! How could you?! You killed Grian!" Sam was screaming and sobbing as he struggled to push Taurtis off of him. Grian was dead. Sam couldn't believe it. He couldn't. "You monster! What the hell's wrong with you?!" was all Sam shouted at Taurtis. Taurtis didn't respond. He only insanely smiled at Sam. But he suddenly placed his lips on Sam's. Sam continued sobbing. His nightmares came true. He knew all Taurtis wanted was Sam. And now Sam doesn't have Grian. He had no hopes anymore.
"If you want to feel good about this, you should kiss back," Taurtis said on Sam's lips. Sam instead bit Taurtis' bottom lip, causing blood to flow in Sam's mouth. Taurtis groaned and moved away. He licked his lips and said, "Aggressive, huh?" Taurtis devilishly and charmingly smirked. Sam closed his eyes and turned his head. "I don't love you." he whispered.
"We'll see about that."

**Sorry if I made you cry! And sorry this was a short part. Hope you liked!**

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