Part 24~ The Return Of Yurio

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**Third POV**

Sam sighed as he stared at the dark manifestation of the portal to Hell. One step could change his life forever. Sam didn't want to leave Earth, but he didn't want to stay on the horrid planet any longer than he should. Satan could do more damage to Sam than what he's already been through; after the raping, abusing, drama, emotions, suicide thoughts, etc, etc . . . He didn't want to be a part of any of it. He hated everything he had been through for years. He wanted to return to Hell, and maybe he could revive Grian and let him live the normal life he deserved. Maybe.

**Taurtis' POV**

The air was humid and smelled of blossoms and roses. My surroundings were blurred, but I seemed to be in an open area. Kids laughed and screamed in the background. I heard many footsteps and basketballs hitting a hard surface. Movement surrounded me all around, and I seemed to be spinning. What's going on? Blobs of colors were spinning and dancing here and there.
Everything was then unblurred.
But the scene changed.
Now it seemed that the sky had a ceiling. And it was slowly falling. It was pure concrete and it had one small light bulb sticking out in the center. It flickered as I raised an eyebrow. Sweat dripped down my forehead. The laughs of the kids became screams of agony, and the footsteps were faster, as if someone was running away from something. The sound of guns echoed, and the ceiling was only three feet away from my head. My eyes widened.
The walls around me started closing in on me and started to stain itself with blood. Blood oozed from the corners and the edges, and it slowly dripped down the concrete, cracked walls. The smell of blossoms turned to the smell of rotten death and blood. The screams echoed and died in a pattern. But one in particular scared me half to death.
It was the sound of my beloved rabbit, Sam, in pain.
I shouted his name. I called him and received no response. Something is wrong. What is happening? My vision was then blurred again, then it returned to the normal state. I felt dizzy and ill. I felt drunk and I coukdnt stand properly. I felt uncomfortable. The screams of kids died down, but Sam's grew louder and louder. They sounded like he was in pure agony. And I knew it was my fault. Why . . ?
"Why? Why?" I shouted at nothing. The walls were only a few inches away from me. The screams died down. But gun fires were heard. And I hated it.
"They were innocent! I know what I did was wrong! Please stop this!" I got onto my knees and crunched my body against my thighs. I covered my ears with my palms and tried screaming to stop the replaying of the death that had happened . . . Because of me.
Then I saw him. Grian was tied to a chair. His eyes were closed. His shirt was on the floor. He was covered in blood. And he was screaming at nothing. He was asleep, yet somehow he was awake. He was seeing and hearing what I am now. Why did he see these things? Why am I too?

I was in love at the time. I still am. Now I'm dead, unremembered. But I'm unforgettable. I have done things I shouldn't have done, and I have ruined the lives of many. And I regret all of the crimes I committed. To this day-- which I have no idea what day it is--I regret ever falling in love.
I'm a criminal.
I'm insane.
"Please stop this . . . Please stop this! Please, for the love of God, fucking stop this!" I screamed and screamed until my mouth was dry. I sobbed and screamed to the top of my lungs until I couldn't anymore, and I collapsed onto the floor. I slowly closed my eyes as tears wet the concrete beneath me.
I had one chance to redo it all. And I failed to do my one job. But I know why I suffer these consequences. But one more question before I confront;
Is this what Grian felt when he was taken away by Yakuza?

**Third POV**

Was it really a good idea to disappoint his own father? Sam asked himself. He knew Satan was capable of many horrible things. Satan showed no mercy 99% of the time when someone did something stupid. Sam sighed and shook his head as he looked at the ground. With a deep breath, he smiled. The idea of reviving Grian was the only thing that made him smile. He tried not to remember anything that had to do with Taurtis or Satan. All he wanted to think about was Grian. He wanted to think positive about Grian. How happy he was with Sam made Sam feel jittery inside. The smile Grian always had on his face, even during his darkest hours made Sam stand up tall. He knew Grian was always determined to make himself and Sam happy. He tried his hardest to make Sam feel loved, and Sam felt the same way. The portal made a low hum. Wind blew through Sam's hair.
One step and he would reunite with his sister. The sister he always grieved as a half-human demon when he was on Earth. He wanted to see her.
He wanted to hug his sister, Serenity. He wanted to smile at her and cry on her shoulder. She was his only family that truly loved him. She was always there for Sam when he needed her the most. His father was never there for him. That's why Sam doesn't want to see him again.
One step.
One step could change his life.

One step. . . .Sam placed a foot in front of his other foot and took one last breath. It may be his last breath on Earth.

**Taurtis' POV**

My eyes slowly opened. The only thing I could see was the bright, full moon. Surrounded by trees, the cool air my face.
"Well, I guess that's it for you, Taurtis. You lost your chance. You wasted it and look where it brought you," said a voice. I jumped. But I hesitated before I could make a move.
I felt hot puffs of air against my neck. Someone was there, and I knew who.
"It's just me, Yuki," I stated as I raised my hands. There was silence. Then Yuki said, "What about Sam? We needed you to kill him. Taurtis, you had one job!" Yuki groaned in annoyance and moved away from me. A wave of relief brushed my body.
"Look, I'm sorry! But he's a demon!" I pointed out. "A half-human demon, Taurtis. He is mortal to a few things but he is mostly immortal." Yuki crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. I blinked, then said, "Is that supposed to make me feel better? Cause it's not!" I crossed my arms and mockingly scoffed. Yuki's temper seemed to rise, as her face crunched up and it turned red. She glared at me.
"Don't you start! You know Satan will hurt you!" Yuki shouted.
"Look Yuki, I've already done a ton of damage to the one I love! I think killing innocent people is good enough for Satan as well! Just let me be free, please!" I got on my knees and looked at Yuki with plead in my eyes. Yuki scoffed.
"If I do that, Satan will demolish my soul like I never existed. The same would happen to you. Don't make me tell him." Yuki stuck her tongue out at me and turned away. I guess she really didn't like the idea of me working with her to kill Sam. It was an order. I only did it because if I did, I would be able to go back in time to redo everything I have done. It affected me that much, that I wanted to kill Sam to make things the way they were before. But I couldn't do it if I was killed. Sam is in pain, and Grian is dead. It's because of me that they are what they are. I just wanted Sam to love me. I just wanted to be loved.
"Please . . ." I begged. I lowered my head in shame when I realized that Yuki was already gone. A darker presence arose over me.
"PlEaSe WhAt, My ChIlD?"

**Welp. Hope this was worth my time. ;-;**

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