Part 16~ Change To The Worst

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**(A/N)!! I didn't want to make a part about this because there wasn't much to explain. I just wanted to say that Sam, Taurtis, and Grian will no longer be going to school in this story. The story would completely change if I added school hours. Sorry!**


**Third POV**

Sam woke up and scratched his arm as he looked around the room. He looked down and saw Taurtis laying next to him. Taurtis was shirtless, the blanket only covering his torso down. Sam's face flushed, and soon tears fell down his flushed face. He had remembered the night before. A living hell. Consider it as this; it's like going to school, but that school is full of drinkers, gangs, pedophiles, and bullies. And the building is on fire. And the students rape you. That's how Sam felt.
Sam sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes. He knew he wouldn't be able to get up, as his body was sore. He attempted anyways. He threw the covers off of his naked body and shivered when the cool breeze brushed his warm flesh. He arose to his feet, then collapsed on the floor with a thud. He groaned and rubbed his butt in pain. He couldn't get up. He decided to reach for his boxers that lay on the floor. He carefully put his boxers on and shouted, "Grian! Grian, please hear me!" His head clicked. Grian was "asleep". Sam wouldn't be able to do anything other than wait for Taurtis to wake up. Or maybe be didn't.
"Psst, Taurtis!" Sam shouted from the ground. A groggy groan escaped the pillow over Taurtis' face. "What, Sam?" Taurtis annoyingly asked. "Look, as much as you hate me, Taurtis, I need your help." Sam mentally facepalmed himself. He didn't want to talk to Taurtis, but he didn't have much of a choice. Taurtis looked up from his pillow and looked beside him. "Where are you?" Sam raised his hand. Taurtis immediately got out of bed and looked at Sam. He had his boxers on. His face flushed when he saw Sam in his boxers. "Why are you in your boxers? Why is your cloths on the floor?" He looked at himself. "And why is mine not on my sexy body?" Sam almost laughed. He wasn't in the mood to, though. But he wanted to.
"It's . . . I'll explain later. I don't want to talk to you because I'm pissed at you, but frankly, I can't get up. Help me," Sam answered. Taurtis blushed and carried Sam to the bed. He sat down next to him. But he suddenly bolted to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Sam was about to do the same but he swallowed it. Taurtis returned looking a bit green. He sat down next to Sam. He looked down. "Mind telling me?" Sam nodded, because he didn't want to deal with Taurtis, but he explained anyways.
"You were drunk, and . . . you raped me. I-I can't see you the same way ever again, Taurtis. And after we were besties! I . . ." Sam broke out in tears. Taurtis wanted to hug Sam, but Sam pushed him away. "Don't touch me. You threatened to kill Grian, and you threatened me with a knife. How could you?" Sam spat at Taurtis. Taurtis had tears in his eyes just by seeing Sam in his depressed state. Taurtis is going through a lot, but Sam always fixed those problems. He was there for Taurtis. And Taurtis returned the favor in a painful, stupid way.
Sam stood up to get away from Taurtis before Taurtis could answer. He didn't care that he couldn't walk. He grabbed onto the beside and pulled himself up. He didn't let Taurtis help him. "Just . . . do me a favor and let me put my cloths on," Sam told him. Taurtis nodded, then grabbed his cloths and walked out of the room. Sam let go of the bedside and let himself fall onto the floor. He began sobbing his eyes out until his head and eyes burned. He sat down and leaned his body on the bed.
Sam's phone suddenly went off, startling him. He reached for his phone that lay on the floor. It was a message from Taurtis. I know you hate me, but do you mind if I make you breakfast in bed? Sam sighed. He almost smiled. Almost. No, I wouldn't mind. Bring me an ice pack too while you're at it. He put his phone down. He groaned in frustration. The replaying of the scene made him want to throw up. And he did just that. He grabbed a nearby plastic bag and threw up in it.
Taurtis soon came up the stairs with breakfast. It was two sunny side eggs, two slices of buttered toast, and three pieces of bacon. He had a glass of OJ in the other hand and the ice pack under his arm. He walked over to Sam and gave him the tray. Sam gave Taurtis a weak smile but purposely made sure he didn't see it. He scarfed down his breakfast. He then unwillingly threw it up. He was starving but whatever went in went out again. Taurtis gave Sam the ice pack before he left the room to check on Grian. Or that's what he told Sam.

Taurtis grabbed a kitchen knife from the counter before heading out of the house. He needed to settle some things before returning. The first house he went to was Sookie's. He broke the window, not caring if anyone saw or heard. He walked through the house until he found her and Soul making out in their bedroom. He insanely grinned and stabbed each girl in the head until they went limp. He continued to look around the house for anything useful. He maniacally laughed when he found an old book on the table. It was a diary. He took it with him with pride and headed back home.
For some reason, he felt happy. He felt happy for killing, killing, killing. He felt happy for stealing too. But right now he wanted to see Sam again and try to forget everything that happened. He had something else to do at home besides read the diary. All he knew was; he was changing.
"He's next."

**So sorry that this was a short part. My body is sore, and I am exhausted.**

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