Part 20~ Three Little Souls

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**Third POV; P.S: There's a little twist . . .**

Grian sat in the living room watching his favorite show while Sam prepared popcorn for the two. It was a cool afternoon, with a very quiet setting. Nothing terrible seemed to happen no matter what. But Sam needed to ask Grian something. After he grabbed the popcorn and drinks, he sat next to Grian on the couch.
"I need to ask you something, Grian," Sam said. Grian paused the show and turned to Sam. "Yeah?" Sam drank from his soda can and asked, "Could we go to the hospital to see the baby?" Sam's face flushed when he repeated what he just asked Grian in his head. He never thought he'd say something like then. Then again, he never thought he'd have a child. "Umm. Sure. Why not? We could go right now if you want," Grian replied. Sam mentally gasped and excitedly smiled. "I'd like that."

As they walked out of the house, Grian had an urge to ask Sam, "If we . . . had a boy, what would we name it?" Sam turned to Grian and smiled at his question. "Well, in middle school I had a crush on a kid named Dante. Maybe that'll do." Grian smiled at his response and nodded. "And for a girl?" Sam pondered as he crossed the street with Grian. "Maybe . . ." Sam turned to Grian. "Samantha?" Grian laughed and nodded. "It sounds an awful like your name. But I love it." Grian pecked Sam's lips. Sam kissed back. "Then Samantha and Dante are settled. What did you have in mind though?" Grian pondered. "For a boy, I was thinking about Sam~. For a girl, I was thinking about Samantha as well. I guess we couldn't have a Sam and a Samantha." Grian laughed with Sam. "But I think Dante and Samantha will do."

They reached the entrance to the hospital and walked in, hand in hand. The hospital was quiet, but beeping and clanking came from the hallways on each side of the entrance. The place was cool. The air conditioners were buzzing and clanking from above the hissing contraptions of the hospital doors. Sam turned to Grian, who was standing by a counter with an elbow planted on the wooden plank. A Japanese woman with her hair held in a bun sat at the other side of the counter. She was reading an article of something Grian couldn't make out. Sam just walked to them and awkwardly stood next to Grian. "Ma'am?" Grian asked the lady. Her nametag read Lei Pong.
"Yes?" Lei replied as she looked up from her article. Her English sounded like she had been mastering it for a while. "Could you call a nurse or a doctor. Me and my boyfriend want to see--" the lady had already grabbed the phone and been talking to a nurse to come down. The same one that was caring for Grian a while back came down the left hallway. Her hands were behind her back. She walked to Lei.
"Yes?" Lei pointed to Grian.
"These two boys want you." The nurse scanned Grian and Sam before saying, "Follow me, sweeties." Grian and Sam followed the nurse to a room. Sam suddenly shook his head behind Grian's back.
The room was cool, and it was very neat. It smelled of vanilla and cinnamon. There was a quiet monitor with a black screen. A bottle sat next to it. It had some sort of gel-like-liquid. Sam raised an eyebrow. "Please lie down. This won't hurt. Please pull your shirt up." The nurse told Sam. Sam asked, "H-how'd you know?" The nurse smiled at him.
"Two boys never come to just say hi to a patient. Well, some do. But you two are dating. If you recall, you two were awfully loud at night. Possibly?" The nurse giggled. Sam's face flushed. "I suppose." Grian stayed quiet. Sam removed his shirt and lied back on the hospital bed. The nurse grabbed the bottle and poured the contents on her hand. She rubbed the liquid on Sam's lower torso. Grian reached out and grabbed Sam's hand, gently rubbing it with the other. They looked at each other in the eyes and smiled.
Sam was very much hoping for a girl. Grian was hoping for a little boy. But they both agreed that they wanted a child.
The nurse grabbed a small monitor that was on top of the big monitor. She began rubbing Sam's abdomen with it as she looked at the blank monitor. The tension in the room was a bit eerie.
After a few moments of silence, she spoke with a surprised tone, "Goly! You're having triplets!" She had a gentle smile on her face as she pointed to the monitor. Sam and Grian turned to each other with shocked expression. They saw three little babies curled up on the monitor. They were having three children. They were happy. "Would you like to know the sexes?" The nurse asked the boys. Sam turned to Grian with a questioning look. Grian frantically shook his head. "We want it to be a surprise." The nurse nodded. "Congratulations you two! The babies should be born in about 8-10 months. Be careful with the food you eat and your actions." The nurse shooed the boys out. Both were very happy with themselves, yet Sam wasn't gonna to enjoy the day the babies are born. He shuddered at the thought. He remembered his mother telling him how it felt to give birth to a child.

Grian tightly held Sam's hand as they walked out of the hospital. Sam turned to Grian. Grian had tears running down his face. Sam gave Grian a weak and unnoticeable smile. He felt terrible for Grian. He knew what Grian was pondering and crying about. The babies. What if one of them was Sam and Taurtis'? What if they all were? Grian wiped the tears from his eyes with his sleeve and looked down. Both boys were silent for a while before Grian asked Sam, "Want to go out for sushi?" Sam smiled and shook his head. "I think I'm craving . . . strawberry ice cream with M&Ms." Grian raised an eyebrow. Sam hated strawberries. He always has. But he smiled and nodded. "Why not?"

They walked to the ice cream shop, where they were greeted by Ellen. She waved at them and gestured them to come by her counter. She worked at the ice cream shop. Whatever happened to her fortune telling job? Sam pondered but was interrupted by Grian. "Sam, you ok?" Sam blinked, then frantically nodded. "Just clearing my mind." They ordered their ice cream and walked to the park.
"Is it the pregnancy thing?" Grian bluntly asked Sam as he pushed him on the swing. Sam raised an eyebrow and asked, "What are you talking about?" Grian sat next to him on the empty swing and pushed himself with his feet. "You're being awfully quiet and you ordered strawberry ice cream. You hate strawberries." Sam weakly smiled and giggled. "Yeah, I suppose. I'm just thinking about Taurtis. What if--?" "The children are his and not mine?" Sam looked at Grian and nodded. "I have been thinking about that since he--" Sam's voice broke and he felt tears run down his face at the thought of Taurtis. He began crying. Grian got off his swing and watched at Sam ran to him and tightly hugged him. "I'm so sorry, Grian! I'm such an idiot! I-I never wanted you to feel bad!" Grian began petting Sam and shushing him. "It's ok. He'll pay. He'll get what he deserves. For now," Grian was very calm, yet he was very pained. He didn't like seeing Sam this way. He lifted Sam's head with a finger. "it's just me and you." He gave Sam a peck on the lips. Sam placed his head on Grian's chest. "B-but still. I'm so sorry," Sam whispered. Grian smiled.
He was glad Sam didn't love Taurtis anymore.

**YES! FINALLY I HAVE FINISHED. I HOPE THIS FED YOU WELL, YOU MONSTERS! (Just kidding!) The new challenge is: you have to comment below what you think the three genders of the babies are. The winners get to choose the name of one of the babies (my choice of what gender.) I will pick from the winners which name is best and I'll use it! Winners will be announced March 30, 2016! (Tomorrow, I will announce the winners in three stories! Good luck! (Sorry for short notice!)**

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