Part 12~ Negative

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**Third POV**

"You and S-Sam what?!" Taurtis shouted at Grian. Grian cowered away from Taurtis. "It wasn't m-my fault! It was . . . a-as if I were in a t-trace of s-some sort." Invader scoffed and whispered something in Chan's ear. Chan nodded and ran out of the room. "In a trance, my ass," Invader told Grian when Chan exited the room.
After a while of waiting the room warmed up. Taurtis sighed of relief and pleasure.
"Is that all, Grian?" Yuki firmly asked. Grian quickly nodded. Chan returned after a minute.
"Taurtis?" Yuki turned to the ravenette. Taurtis nodded and scooted away from Grian. Grian looked down in shame.
"In a trance, huh? Must've been the demon within him." Invader told Yuki as she looked at her. Yuki smirked.
"I see you two have some sort of . . . negative presence . . . for each other. Jealous much . . . Taurtis~?" Yuki sneered as she glared at Taurtis in the eyes. Taurtis' face flushed in embarrassment.
"I-I . . . umm . . . h-he--" Yuki walked to Invader and stood next to her. She looked at her nails as she said, "3 . . . 2 . . . 1."
Taurtis suddenly gasped and groaned in agony. Grian's eyes widened as Taurtis held onto his stomach.
"It is jealously. It's eating away at your soul," Chan sneered.
"Wait, you're not doing that?" Grian asked Yuki. She shook her head. "It's the hatred he has for you that's eating his soul." Taurtis fell to his knees and choked for air. "P-please st-stop th-this p-pain!" Taurtis clutched his fists as he groaned. Grian was about to run to him but he hesitated. Taurtis began maniacally laughing and screaming. Yuki had the same sneer on her face. Chan and Invader had their arms crossed and smirks plastered on their faces.
"What's happening?!" Grian shouted? Yuki scoffed. "He's becoming his true form. You see, the more hatred he grows for you, the more he thinks negatively about you, and the more he lies to himself about you and Sam, the more he hurts himself. He uses that hatred as a weakness, and that weakness becomes a threat to him. He'll join my world soon enough. Isn't that right, Chan and Invader?" Grian looked at the two other girls. They had shapeshifted into ugly demons with horns and sharp teeth. They had scaly skin and long claws. Yuki formed into a demon as well, with shape teeth, short horns, long claws, and red glowing eyes. They had manifested from the weakness of Taurtis. Taurtis collapsed on the floor and stopped moving.
"Taurtis!" Grian ran over to Taurtis. He violently shook him but Taurtis didn't wake up. He checked his pulse. It wasn't pumping.
"Please, let this all be a nightmare, Lord," Grian whispered to himself as he closed his eyes and quietly sobbed.
"TAURTIS! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Grian looked at the boy. Taurtis was pale. Grian screamed louder the the maniacal laughs of the demons.
"You might as well die in a hole! You are a weakling! You serve us no purpose! Not even to kill you!" Yuki told Grian in a raspy voice. "You should bury yourself with Taurtis!" Invader teased. " Come to Hell with us! You'll only suffer even more!" Chan cooed. Grian put his hands on his head.
"Please let this be a nightmare, let this be a nightmare, let this be a nightmare!" Grian sobbed.

**Sam's POV**

I ran over to the police station. I stared at it for a while, then walked away. The placed was abandoned, the SWAT team and the police are all dead. I sighed as I continued walking. No help, no money. I may never see Grian or Taurtis again.
I decided to call Grian's number again to see if I can talk to the one who answered before. I dialed Grian's number on my phone and sniffed as the phone vibrated on my ear. Someone on the other line picked up.
"Hello? Is this--?"
"Why are you calling? You have the money?"
"Well, a-actually--"
"What is it?"
"Maybe if you let me talk, I'd answer your question."
"Fine. Talk."
"I'll meet you at the back of the school in an hour. Make sure Taurtis and Grian are with you."
"Very well, Sam." They hung up. Time to get my friends back.

Sam walked to the abandoned police station. He swallowed the lump in his throat and walked through the doors. The building smelled like stale paint. Sam looked around the building to see if he could find what he was looking for. He found a chest in one of the cells after exploring the building and looked through it. Wow, this chest is filled with special suger, Sam told himself. He grabbed the bags of the drug and took them out of the chest. At the bottom, there was a shotgun. He smirked. He grabbed the gun and loaded it with the ammo in the chest. He hid it under his shirt, and tucked in the hem of his jeans. He walked out of the building and walked straight to the school.

**Taurtis' POV**

It feels like I'm floating. I feel no pain. I feel jittery. I feel calm and at peace. My vision is white, but it soon began to subside into a beautiful waterfall. If only Sam could see this. He'd love this.
"You need to fix your problem, Taurtis," a soothing voice called him. Taurtis, surpised, jumped and looked around. "Wh-who said that?"
"That isn't important. What's important is that you figure out how to change the way you see Grian. He is a very kind friend. Friendly young lad. He is happy you and Sam were there for him." The male responded.
"Wait, but I'm dead." Taurtis sighed and sat on the grass beneath him.
"I will give you the life you deserve back. Use it widely, for if you use it incorrectly, I will ruin the life you live in." Taurtis nodded and felt the ground beneath him leave his feet.
"One chance . . ."

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around at my surrounding. We were outside. Why? A gag was over my mouth so I wasn't able to scream. Someone whinced and I looked next to me. Grian sat next to me with tears in his eyes. He looked at me and his eyes widened. He had the look how are you alive? I shrugged. Yuki, Chan, and Invader stood in front of us with their backs turned on us. They didn't know I was alive. Tsk, tsk.

**Sam's POV**

The back of the school was filthy with trash, bags, and manga. I held my nose as I walked through the dry grass. I saw three strangers in masks standing in the center of the open field with two boys with gags in their mouths. The three strangers looked my way and one signaled me to go to them. I cautiously but quickly walked to them and unplugged my nose.
"Where's the money?" The one in the middle asked. Her voice was a female, raspy voice. A hint of impatience escaped her lips.
I sighed and smiled to myself.
"What money?"
The one in the middle scoffed. She took out a knife from her sweater pocket and giggled.
"You think we were playing around?" The one to her right grabbed the bat that lay next to them, positioning it to swing. The other held onto a club. The three took their masks off and had sneers on their faces. My jaw nearly dropped.
"Yuki? Chan? Invader?" Invader insanely giggled. "Hello, senpai~." Yuki scoffed. "We don't play around, Sammypoo. Where's the money we asked for?" I chuckled.
"I already told you. I don't have the money." Yuki looked at the other two girls. They exchanged looks, then Yuki said, "Very well. I guess we won't be needing you anymore."
Grian and Taurtis watched in horror as Chan and Invader swung their weapons. I grabbed the bat as soon as it hit my hand. I pulled Invader closer to me. I gave her a cute smile and a peck in the lips. Taurtis and Grian raised an eyebrow. Yuki made a questioned expression on her face. Chan's eye twitched as she swung her club. I slapped the club and it broke in two. The pieces fell to the ground. Invader's face was as red as and cherry. But she suddenly fell to the ground. Yuki gasped.
"What did you do?" I smiled.
"I poisoned her, but that's not even the best of my tricks."
I grabbed Yuki by the collar of her sweater and pulled her in. I gave her a peck of the lips and pushed her away. She blushed and hesitated, then aimed the knife at my head. I smirked and snapped my fingers. In an instant, Yuki's head exploded to a million pieces. Blood covered the ground. Chan watched in horror.
      "Please don't hurt me!" I grinned. "Free my friends and I'll let you live." Chan raise her hands in surrender and walked to Yuki's body. She picked up the knife next to the body and walked to Tairtis and Grian. She cut the gags on their mouths. She then stabbed Taurtis with the knife and pulled it out of him. Taurtis groaned in pain. Grian grabbed him so he woukdnt collapse. But instead of screaming, I cracked a smile. I quickly grabbed the gun and pulled it out, shooting Chan in the lungs three times as soon at the gun aimed at her. Her body was pushed back with every blow to the chest, and she soon collapsed to the ground next to Yuki and Invader. I then snapped my fingers as a gave Taurtis a weak smile.       Taurtis looked at me, then at Grian.
      Their jaws nearly brushed the ground. Taurtis looked down at himself and saw that the injury was cured. He lifted his shirt up and saw a scar. Grian was shocked. The males stood up and quickly ran to me. They three their arms around me and cried on my shoulders.
      "We're so happy you saved us, Sam!" Grian shouted. Taurtis had a smile on his face as he pecked my cheek. I blushed and looked at the two boys.
      "It was nothing. I did it becuase I love you guys." I returned the hug and we walked home like nothing ever happened.

**Four days in a row!**

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