Ch 54: Damn it

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Vega POV:

Wulf stared at me as I stuffed my face with pre made cookie dough medallions.

I think angel face was in shock from seeing me makeupless, in yoga pants and an old t shirt without me even brushing my hair.

Thats right baby its not all peach lipgloss all the fucking time.

I glared at him.

"You want anything else to eat peaches?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out if he was being condescending.

In the end I decided he wasn't. "do you have any mac and cheese?"

His lips quirked up, "sure. What kind?"

I chewed on my lip, "The boxed kind where the cheese is such a fake orange you know it causes cancer."

He nodded, typing something into his phone. 

"And cookies."


"And chicken."


"And nachos."

"of course."

I nibbled at another piece of cookie dough. "Wulf?"


"I can feel you judging me."

He shook his head, "I'm just picturing you ten pounds heavier or so."

My jaw dropped, "what the hell!?"

Beowulf shrugged, "What? might as well get used to the idea if your going to eat your feelings."

This son of a bitch.

I glared daggers at him, "fuck you!"

"oh we'll still do that. don't worry."

I huffed. throwing down my cookie dough. "I hate you. And I don't want that food anymore."

He smirked, "figured that much thats why I've been playing solitaire."

....I...ugh. whatever. "you are a terrible person."

"Would you be happy to lose that.." he caught his lower lip between his teeth, "ridiculously gorgeous figure after all your hard work?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Stop eye raping me! You can't even see anything in this huge ass shirt!"

"But I have it all memorized so even the big t-shirt does it for me."

ugh. Why can't he just let me mope?

I stared at him for a long moment, why does he have to be all sexy. I can't sit here and be all depressing and fat while he's right next to me, perfect and..and fucking golden boy.

"Take me home Wulf."

"is you're dad home?"


"then no."

I practically screamed, "why?!"

"Because I don't wanna."

Huffing I leaned back, "fine."

fingers curled sweetly around the back of my neck, massaging slowly.

I shivered a bit, my back arching. 

You're mad at him Vega. Don't react; don't smile, don't lean into him, don't do that happy sigh, don't clench your thighs, don't even look at him. 

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