Chapter 6: Welcome to Solaris, the capital of Xagontetia!

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After a few short hours of quick movement, which included an assortment of movement and acceleration based skills from Mordred, they were able to reach the capital of the Xagontetia Sun country, 'Solaris' which was at least 400kms away from the village that they were at. A gigantic circular and walled city.

As the capital had entered their view from a distance they could see a needlessly large, monolithic structure that was pointing to the skies. Perhaps it was around 3000 or so meters tall and stood out like a sore thumb in the middle of the circular city. One could only imagine just how much time and labor went into its construction. It wasn't even a enterable structure, just a tall pin.

After much contemplation, Mordred finally understood what that tall pin like structure was. It was an enormous sundial. They had converted the entire city into a needlessly gigantic sundial, well he was impressed with their ingenuity. Just from a glance the buildings in the inner part of the circular city held much more importance than the ones on the outside.

On the outskirts of the walled city were several farms and such, which didn't receive the protection of the walls, but perhaps that was because they were the peasantry.

From the outer layers were military posts and barracks that kept the walls safe and regulated the people coming in and out. The sight of armored knights was an impressive one, especially since they were working through such a hot day, Mordred was fine since he was able to regulate his body temperature to keep himself at a moderate temperature and Irina was immune to heat in general.

On the inside of the walls and against the walls were the residential districts, there were also some taverns and inns, though just from a small glance they didn't seem very reputable. A little more inside were the merchantry, marketplace and other related buildings. A little more in were the noble's residential districts as seen by their lavishing houses and decorations. And finally within them were government related buildings, and at the very center, built surrounding the gigantic pin was what seemed to be a castle.

In any case it was a metropolis with various attractions and vendors, with a renaissance style architecture and the general MMORPG-like feel, Mordred felt quite nostalgic about them. Somehow, even before entering the city it felt as though he was at 'home'.

'Odd...' Mordred thought to himself with a wry smile. He wasn't able to fit in or be happy back in his own world but perhaps he could live happily in this one. He didn't really know if he wanted to stay or not, or whether there even was a way of getting back, but at least for the moment he had decided to indulge himself in this world.

In any case there were three aspects that Mordred wanted to be a part of in this country. Those there were the 'military', 'political' and 'adventurer' sectors. The plan was for Irina to join the 'Adventurer's guild' and climb up the ranks. He needed her to be one of the top members of the guild so more classified information could flow in, but it would be a little suspicious if such a powerful person just appeared out of nowhere all of a sudden and became an adventurer.

For this reason it was necessary for her to take it step by step. Most likely she'll have to complete many jobs to get to the position that Mordred wanted her to be in. Though to Mordred it didn't matter too much how long it took, he had decided to take it easy for the time being as well. After all, they were in no real rush they could take all the time they needed.

The second sector, the 'military' sector was for Mordred himself to join. Likely he'll be put into a squad or battalion and be sent out a few times. This way he can survey the lands around Xagontetia and gather information that way, not to mention it was a 'fantasy' world, how could he pass up the opportunity to run around and have fun?

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