Chapter 41: The determination of uncertain destinies

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Carefully adorning himself with his new uniform Casec stared at the mirror towards his own reflection. Not even a hint of the man he used to be remained in what he saw; he had died yesterday and was reborn anew under a new master. He often believed himself to be a free spirit; never could he have imagined himself serving under a master or even have a place tied down to be called 'home'. Yet he was here, with a home and a master when he had accepted that man's proposal.

'Casec. Work for me.' He had said. A being with powers comparable to that of ancient gods; such powers that should have been rightfully only been spoken about in ballads and songs of bards. Still, here he was face to face with such an omnipotent being. He had betrayed his former allies and even possibly this country depending on what was required of him. It would be a lie to suggest that he didn't feel even the tiniest of remorse.

But then again that Casec had died. Yesterday in captivity, Casec had chosen to die honorably in an attempt to take the enemy with him and to prevent further information leak. Thusly the Casec right here; the Casec in the mirror was an entirely new being and person with a new purpose in life.

It wasn't a good feeling, but it wasn't particularly a bad one either. With a melancholic taste, perhaps this is what all people experience when they leave behind everything to start anew. Why did he decide to take this chance? Why did he go so far as to betray his allies in order to take this new lease on his life?

'Follow me and I will show you the world that I have so longed to create,' that is what he; what Mordred had told him. Casec was naturally interested; a world that a being of such strength wanted to create, just what kind of world would it be? At the very least this reborn Casec had decided to follow through and see for himself, to decide whether this new world was worthy of his loyalty and devotion.

A small knock on his door drew him back from his deep contemplation and to reality. He instinctively knew who was behind that door even without opening to confirm. Most likely it was the head butler of this manor, Grimal. When Casec was recruited, Grimal was promoted to head butler putting Casec as his direct subordinate.

"Yes, please enter."

Casec replied and let him in. The door slid open to affirm his prior guess, as an elegantly suited man stood before him with an imposing attitude. His silver framed glasses reflected some of the light which accentuated his already sharp appearance.

"Mr. Grimal."

Casec greeted with the simple utterance and acknowledgement of his name. Grimal gave an affirmative nod and began to speak.

"The master wishes to see you. He's prepared a job suitable for someone of your caliber."

"Understood, I will be there once I have finished with my preparations."

The two exchanged no words beyond that but a clear tension could be felt emanating between the two for them. Yet it was in the spirit of friendly competition rather than abject rivalry; Casec was no longer bitter about having lost the fight against Grimal. That's not to say that he didn't have a one sided rivalry going on but Grimal was now more of a goal than an enemy.

As Grimal was about to leave he was halted.

"Say, could it be that you hate the master?"

An almost painful level of silence had overtaken the room and the level of tension rose with each passing second. Grimal's back was subtly shaking at being asked such a question but after a few seconds he had regained his posture as signified by the drop of tension and sigh from him.

"I do not hate him, merely unsatisfied with the treatment of my master."

Casec tiled his head in confusion. That last part had especially made no sense to him, because wasn't Mordred his master?

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