Chapter 69: Exploits of Mordred Titor

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The heavens roared fiercely at the appearance of the small body; a child whose mere presence far exceeded the magnificent décor of the Dragon's Domain. Impossibly contained in that small body was an overwhelmingly powerful spirit, and while unexpected, for some reason it didn't feel out of place. Her haughty attitude as she placed her hands on her hip and puffed up her chest, while cute and endearing, was also rather foreboding.

While some doubts could be conjured as to the legitimacy of her claims of being the Dragon King, there was no denying that fearsome entrance. The corners of her mouth perked up to form an arrogant smirk and she pointed towards the three soldiers standing before her.

"If you wish for entry into the Dragon's Domain then you need to get past me first!"

At the forefront of the team Padan stood with an almost illegal grin on his face, to which Ashen frowned in disgust. He knew very well the nature of the mindless animal in front of him and it didn't please him even a little.

"Look here meatbrain, I know what you're thinking and I'm going to say this only once so listen carefully. She's obviously not bluffing so we're going to have to strategi-"

Before he was even given the chance to finish that sentence Padan had already charged head first. His blood boiled, as it did all the time when he meets a 'worthy' opponent; he leapt straight into action without even knowing himself how he was going to attack. He was the kind of fighter that left most of the thinking to his instincts and intuitions, and right now his instincts were telling him at this moment that all he needed to do was throw a punch. 'Everything is going to be great!' his instincts told him enthusiastically.

"You're right!"

He answered apropos of nothing. As Ashen's palm met with his face he averted his gaze in shame and embarrassment for his daft teammate. 'Idiot,' he silently mocked as he sighed in disappointment.

Following what his instincts were literally telling him he threw the first punch thinking it would naturally transition into a series of blows and exchanges. Yet the fight did not progress in the manner that he had envisioned, actually the complete opposite of a fight is what followed. As Padan reached in to hit a small girl with his massive Titan sized fists the attack was swiftly dodged and a small foot came flying to his face for a counterattack. Thinking that such an unimpressive kick wouldn't do very much he resolved himself to take the hit but by the time he had realized what was going on he was already flying.


He calmly asked himself as he was airborne. Titans weren't meant to fly, in fact due to their huge bodies any amount of time greater than a few seconds could potentially be disastrous. Padan flew through the maze-like structure of the canyon that existed before the Dragon's Domain. He left a trail of chaos and dust in flight and was deemed out of commission for some time as he landed head first.

"That idiot; can he do nothing correctly?"

Ashen asked himself as he drew his long wooden staff.

"Just ignore him and maybe the problem will go away, but are we really going to fight that small child?"

Caroline commented in an equally unenthusiastic tone of voice as she shook her head in disapproval of his actions. Yet the fact that she wasn't running to him and healing him despite being the resident healer showed just how much trust she had in the endurance of Padan's body. They hadn't been comrades for too long, merely a few months. Yet during that time they had each gotten to know each other's strengths and weaknesses to an extensive degree.

"Mordred, I guess it's up to us once again. I'll support you from behind so could you distract her for a moment?"

However, contrary to his expectations Mordred threw up his hands in a conceding manner. He answered with frustratingly professional smile.

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