Chapter 65.5 Side Story 2: 'The price of love"

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"Please, Mistress Morialia. Lord Sinclair has already given you freedom of access so there is no need for you to break through our defenses like this all the time. Even we have an image that we desperately want to maintain."

The once proud race of ascended dragons was now crouching down in defeat; conceded and protesting to a small blonde human girl. With an innocent seeming face and a small stature no one would even begin to think that she was a massive powerhouse that had finished quite literally mopping the floor with several elite dragon guards. However the evidence of unconscious dragon guard bodies strewn across the floor was undeniable. Their humanoid shapes scattered about in a manner most ungraceful.

"Aww~ you know I'm just trying to keep you on your toes."

These soldiers were the elite of the elite; armed and readied with the strongest equipment they had been tasked with the protection of their king, Aurendra Sinclair. At first they could not stand the fact that a mere human child was granted access to the entire Dragon's Domain. They tried to prevent her freedom of access and blatant meeting with their king, with force, however after a series of 'heart to heart', physical submissions they conceded defeat and tolerated her entrance.

Even then, Morialia had gotten so used to the idea of fighting through the dragon guard defenses that she did it regardless. Now crossing her arms in complete triumph once more the small girl in the non-combative white one piece laughed heartily at their defeated forms.

At this point the dragon guards weren't even mad anymore and simply wished for a more peaceful entrance. They all understood this small girl's power and why the Dragon king was so interested in her to the point of giving her full access.

"I hope you haven't roughed up my guards too much, they still have a job to do."

Adorned in a long and flowing elegant golden garbs entered a man with pure white hair that matched his wise appearance. There were signs of wrinkles forming on his face as evidence of his age but they only added to his character as an elder dragon and king of the Dragon's Domain. Despite his rather loose set of clothing, just his aura alone was enough to convince anyone that they had no chance of winning a fight against him.

Such was the man known as Aurendra Sinclair, the Dragon King.

"Auren! I brought drinks!"

Shouted the small human girl, calling the wise Dragon king by the childish nickname of 'Auren'. At first the dragon guards took offense to that but after another series of 'heartwarming' physical confrontation they were made to accept the situation as it were. The Dragon King himself felt no particular insult to this and took it as a compliment to deepen the friendship with Morialia.

Morialia took several bottles of exquisite wine out of her [inventory]; they were all miscellaneous items from [Hellgana] that were sitting uselessly in there. All their flavor texts described was that they were 'extremely rare' and that they were 'Nectar of the gods'. Though Morialia herself had no real appreciation for wine she figured that the Dragon King would.

"Hoho~ is that so? Then I'll prepare some side dishes; make yourself comfortable out on the veranda."

"Will do~"

Morialia responded as she disappeared into a puff of shadows.

"Lord Sinclair..."

One of the dragon guards spoke up but couldn't find it in him to say anything further.

"Does it bother you to have lost to Morialia so much? She's an opponent that even I have trouble facing you know."

The Dragon King tried to consult his guards.

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