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Don't expect a full blown description about myself because your not going to get one.
Why?You ask
Because I don't know anything about myself.
I'm tall.I have black hair,brown eyes,I'm a brownskin person.There.
I couldn't tell you my exact age.I look between 14-16.I have no parents or family members.The Court found me next to my dead parents body sometime in early July.I am considered a Cancer.Nobody knows if I was actually born in July.Nobody knows if Im actually a Cancer.
I am known as Jonathan.Just Jonathan.I have no last name to claim. The only reason my name is Jonathan is because when I got old enough to speak the Court placed a list of names in front of me told me to close my eyes and choose.My finger landed on Jonathan,my name became Jonathan.
It could have been worse,I could have missed the paper completely and been named Table or Floor.There was even some girls names mixed in there and I could have been Debby.
Thats basically how my life was,the Court ruled it.They were the Government of Anthem,where I lived.Where was Anthem,I have no idea.I never liked school so I never went.
I never liked the Court either but they always found me.

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