An Owed Promise

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Grace and Zardari really strained me the next day.
First off,I woke up sore and dirty on the floor.I wasn't what time I fell asleep last night but it was no peaceful sleep.
Zardari charged into my room."GET UP,We have alot to do today and-why are you on the floor?"
"Fell asleep down here,there's nothing like a hard cold floor to sooth your hot rapidly shaking body."
Zardari raised his eyebrows."Take a cold shower and get out here."
He stepped out and closed the door.
I painfully pushed myself off the floor and tried to walk,when I found out my legs were too numb.I had to crawl my way to the bathroom.
The cold water running down my face stung but it also cooling down my still burning face and body and not to mention removing the dust from everywhere.
The liquid soap had a lemony scent,where at home the soap just smelled like....soap.You wanted it scented?You had to spray something on it.
Something that everyone liked and nobody was allergic to.Nobody agreed on anything back at Camp so you might as well just have bathed with the regular soap.
Throwing on clothes I went out my room where I could smell breakfast cooking strong.
I went to the table where eggs,toast,pancakes,bacon and several others were laid out.Zardari,Fabian and Grace were already seated.
"Morning Jonathan",Grace acknowledged me
"Yo",I said in reply.Yes,I know,rude but thats the way we always replied at Camp.The less said to each other the better.Especially in the morning,where tempers tended to run over the roof.
Zardari scowled at me as I munched on bacon.
  "So whats the movement for today",I said when I swallowed.I may be rude but at least I have manners.
"Basically prepping you for tonight."
Tonight?Oh yeah.The Opening Ceremony.
"Showing you how to act,behave and look."
I nodded.
"Your behavior needs work,lots of work",Zardari said,still scowling
"It does not,I have perfectly fine manners.",I said
"Judging on the way you said 'Good morning'I don't think so",he said.
See what I said about the less said at breakfast the better.I was seriously ready to hit Zardari with a baseball bat.
Grace must have sensed this because she said"It's no problem,Jonathan.I'll be there also and everyone gets trained.You get interviewed at the Ceremony."
I gritted my teeth."Fine,when do we start."
Zardari looked at his watch,"Now in fact,it will take a long time to get everything done and the show starts at seven."
The minute I finished breakfast.Zardari and Grace took me to the living room and made me walk around the living room back and forth and grilled me on my life back home for four straight hours.
Telling me what and what not to say,do walk and even eat.
  Zardari always got frustrated when I messed up but Grace took it smooth and calm.
After that Fabian spent the next three hours getting me ready.He was pretty dissapointed that Grace said no extreme makeup.So he just settled for putting gel in my hair to make the top front stick up.Checked me for any facial hair(although I barely had) and shaved it clean.Placed concealer on my face to hide any bumps or bruises.Then he dressed me in all white.
White shirt,pants,shoes and grip leather gloves.The only color on me was a red and black jacket.
I looked at myself while Grace walked in wearing a gold dress that suited her nicely.
"You look stunning,"she said."We should get downstairs and see how the others are dressed."
Zardari was waiting for us,in all black.
I raised my eyebrows,"Is this a trend,I wear white you wear black.Are we Jace and Sebastian from the Mortal Instruments.You could be Sebastian you have his cold nature."
Zardari rolled his eyes,"Lets just get downstairs.Besides I can't be Sebastian."
"Why not?",I asked
"One,Sebastian was blond.Two,Everyone becomes a Sebastian in the Exile and we can't have twelve Sebastians running around."
"I don't think the blond problem is an issue just get Fabian to dye your hair."I said."But your right about the other problem and if you were wondering you would look horrible with blond hair."
Zardari scowled.
Fabian came running in."What are you still doing here its 5:30 you should be in the hall."
"He's right",Grace said opening the door herding us out.
"Goodbye,Goodbye",Fabian said."Your gonna do great Jonathan,fine as you are.Don't get too drunk Zardari."
Zardari responded in a very Sebastian-like way."I DO NOT GET DRUNK."
"Voices",Grace warned.Leading us to the elevator.
When it came we stepped in and exited in a room full of Truants.Two of them came at us and guided us outside to the stadium backstage.
It was already packed with the other Chosen.Grace and Zardari walked me to the back
Grace fixed my shirt."Now remember,you walk out alone in the ceremony.We'll be waiting on the other side.Just be yourself and you'll be fine."
"Yeah,dont be to much like yourself though.",Zardari said.
Grace continued."Walk around the cermony won't start for a while."
I nodded."I'll be fine"
The walk was definitely needed but I wasn't planning to talk to anyone...until I saw the Chosen representative for Capricorn.
Eleven year old Rick was standing by himself in a corner.His hands were shaking,barely visible from the long sleeves of his jacket.I remember how the Capricorn bartender let me slide when I sneaked in without permission. I owed Capricorn.
  I walked over."Rick isn't it"
He looked up at me and nodded.
"You probably were told not to talk to me and your nervous and scared."
He nodded again.
"Your brother's also participating in the Exile.Nathaniel?"
  His eyes widened."You-you know m-my brother"
"I've heard stories"
Rick shook."I-I wont come back.I was ne-never active in school"
"Or maybe you will.I can help you."
Rick shook harder.
"Look,I owe a debt to Capricorn.And if I can't repay the person directly.I'll help anyone from there."
Rick looked at me."You'll help me?But-but my mentor said-"
I shrugged."Almost everyone in the Court hates me,maybe all of Anthem."
I walked away then heading back to where I was when something caught my eye.
Bryana Holder,in an elegant silver dress.(Seriously did everyone do opposite over here).Her back was to me.Her hair was down and wavy,the dress fit her perfectly.My mind was in a battle should I go over and talk to her.Or I should just stare at her.Or I could just shout 'HEY BRYANA,YOU LOOK FINE GIRL'
I was actually considering all three before her mentor came over and put a hand on her shoulder.
Gabriel Stuart was no exception to the 'I hate Jonathan' culb.In fact he was probably leading it right behind the Court.There was now a scar running down his left cheek that started at his eye and ended at his top lip.He was looking straight at me and nodded his head.
I read somewhere that Gabriel could read emotions like a book.Did he know what I felt just now.
I walked back to my spot just as horns blared somewhere.
"Its starting,quick Jonathan over here.",Grace called.
She grabbed me and fixed my hair.
"Now remember tall and proud,you'll be fine"
"All Chosen line up in Zodiac order",a Truant called over.
"Get out there",Zardari said giving me a push.
Aries was the first Zodiac apparently.Then Taurus,Gemini,Cancer,Leo,Virgo,Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius,Capricorn and Aquarius.
  I was fourth in line in front of the brass doors that led to the front of the stadium,where hundreds of people were waiting.
Bryana's perfume was intoxicating me.I couldn't think.The horns blared again.I only caught snippets of what was said.
The hosts name was Derrick Walce.Applause.The Exile.Then the doors opened and one by one our names were annouced for our interview.
After an hour,Bryana went through the door.I was able to regain some of my senses now that she was gone,but not fast enough.
I was still groggy when my name was called once,twice,three times.The Chosen Leo shoved me forward.The entryway was getting closer.Taking a deep breath,I stepped through.


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