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When I woke up the sun had set and it was nighttime. I slowly sat up,rubbing my head. I was in a grassland, there was a slight breeze making the grass blades sway. I stood up to get my bearings. There wasn't much. Low grass and the stream spread as far as I could see to my left. The cave to my right.

I breathed slowly. Remembering how Bryana said to keep heading north, I should follow the stream flow in the opposite direction but I still couldn't move yet. My muscles were shaking uncontrollably, I couldn't will my body to move. My body was still trying to get rid of the water.

Several minutes passed before I was able to walk. Standing up slowly I began to make my way north with the dim moon my only source of light. Now that my thirst has been settled my stomach rumbled with hunger so hard that I almost collapsed. For the first time since I entered this arena, I felt like giving up. I felt like laying down in the grass and closing my eyes. Letting the grass tickle my face as hunger, the collapsing arena or whatever took my life. I closed my eyes to imagine how easy it would be to give up. All I would have to do is throw myself into to stream....

A soft thump made me open my eyes. Suddenly a small box was next to me with my name written across it. Opening the box I discovered a water bottle some fruit snacks and granola bars a smaller box and a note on a single sheet of paper addressed to me.

It took every penny we had to send you this stuff and I hope it reaches you before anything else does. I know it's not much but it's all the Camp,Grace,Fabian and Zadari could come up with. Zadari said you didn't need so much anyway and some food and water would do but I hope he's right.
Anyway, I'm here to tell you hat your so close and that your almost there. Don't give up yet. Even though there's still lots of hostility about your life you still have us rooting for you. We're waiting for you on the other side. I know you'll get through this.
Things are hard back here, other Cancers are afraid and refuse to communicate with us...The Camp has gone several times without food that now Zadari and Grace has to ship us food whenever they can. I thought this would be hard on the other kids but they're handling this well. Julian roots for you the loudest, he says he doesn't care who stops talking to him cause they don't like you, he calls you his brother and says you'll make it back.
By the way,your going to need what's in that small box,Julian found it in his room. It's a anaesthetic, Julian used it when he got that cut on his leg,it slowed down his bleeding until he got to the doctor remember? Grace and Zadari said it should do the same thing for Rick and Chase until you guys escape.
We've never given up hope on you so don't you dare give up on yourself. Because I would losing my son if you did.
-Yours Truly,

Before I knew it my eyes were starting to fill with tears. Ms. Elliot....I had never thought about her referring to me as a son until now. I never even thought about her being a mom to me until now. But she's right me,her and everyone at Camp Cancer have been together for so long we're basically Ms. Elliot's children.
I folded up the note and put it in my pocket. Ate one pack of fruit snacks and put the remaining snacks in my pocket. The anaesthetic was a syringe in a hard plastic covering. I looked at the liquid inside,there was only enough for two people. Carefully slipping it inside my pocket I felt my strength returning to me.

I began jogging up north again,the moon being covered by the clouds sent a slightly stronger breeze that cooled down my sweat covered body. A streak of light flashed blue up ahead it was similar to the streak of light that was in the desert heading in the same direction. A few seconds later three more blue streaks passed by followed by seven red one.

What did it mean?

After a sip of water I continued jogging. The stream was starting to narrow. Almost narrow enough to cross over if I wanted to. After walking for a couple more minutes I began to notice footprints in the grass, crushing the blades completely flat leading a little way away from the river. Should I follow it? What if it's a trap?

I decided against myself to follow the footprints. Hopefully leading me to someone I know.As I began to walk farther and farther away from the river I kept my guard up. It was eerie, there was no night sounds that I was usually used to. No streetlights, no cars passing no drunk citizens yelling and stumbling home. The only sounds that could be heard was the rustle of grass in the wind and my very own breathing.

It sucked.

Suddenly there was a flash of something silver. As I turned to find out what it was, something wrapped around my ankle and yanked me off my feet. A whizzing sound grew louder in my ear and I ducked my head just in time to see a knife whiz past. Turning around quickly to grab the fallen knife I quickly slashed at the rope around me.
Before I was even fully up, I was tackled around the knees. As my head smacked the ground hard I felt the air leave my body and I struggled to breathe.

The only thing I could make out in the darkness was a silhouette of a human before the figure sat hard on my chest. Reaching my hands up I tried throwing punches hoping the person would get off of me. I landed a few but it seemed to do no effect as the person grabbed my arms and attempted to wrestle them to the ground.

"If you stay still it will make killing you alot easier", the figure said, in a familiar female voice.

"Bryana?", I said.

The figure froze.

"Its me Jonathan. Get up, let me up."

Bryana's grip tightened.

"I don't believe that bullshit. Jonathan's dead, everyone's dead...maybe.You could be a shape- shifter trying to make me believe something that's not there."

Suddenly her hands went around my neck.

"No! Wait!", I said grabbing her wrists, attempting to pull them off. "It's me! It really is!"

Bryana began to squeeze. "Bastard".

"Bry, I swear. You threw a can of spoiled rice at me remember. You thought I was committing suicide back at the training room.", I gasped.

Her grip tightened. "Anyone can know that.The Court watches us all the time."

Choking, I managed to stutter out, "The hill! Where we talked, we-"

Bryana gasped and quickly let go off me. I rolled around on my stomach and seemed to almost cough up my insides.

"Jonathan?", she asked.

"At your service.", I wheezed.

I sat up, trying to make out her silhouette in the darkness.

"Oh my- your alive? But I thought you were- they said you were-"

"Well they lied. And who told you that.", I asked.

It was light enough for me to see Bryana shake her head.

"Nothing, never mind. You think Chase and Rick are still alive?"

"They better be. Since you used all this energy to knock me down you better help me up." I said.

Bryana stood still for a moment before reaching her hand down to help me up.

"Now what", Bryana said.

"I dont know its so dark I cant even see your face much less my surrounding area.", I said.

"Hold on, I got- a lighter should be....", Bryana said.

A second later a flicker passed in front of my eyes then a small flame appeared.

Bryana was holding a small lighter in her hands, the flames illuminating a ghostly light on her face. She looked like her got dragged behind a fast moving vehicle. Her face was scratched up and dried in places with flecks of blood. Her hands were covered in dirt.

"You look terrible sis.", I remarked.

She rolled her eyes. "Like you look any better...and you can let go off my hand."

She snatched her hand out of mine. "Aw man", I said. "As dirty as it was it was hella warm."

She rolled her eyes. "Get up, we have to find Chase and Rick.Now."

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