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I entered my suite and leaned against the door panting.
I ran all the way from my training session ever since they threw a ladder that I climbed up through.
Fabian,barefoot,padded in."Oh good your back".He said sitting on the couch.
I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge....empty.
"What does it take to get some food around here.",I yelled.
Fabian turned and gave me a look."Says the one who hasn't been eating lately."
"I've been eating just not here"
Fabian waved his hand."Either Grace or Zardari went to get food.Do relax hmm"
I joined him on the couch where he was watching project runway.
"Seriously,is there nothing better to watch.",I said.
Fabian waged his finger at me."Who turned the tv on"
So we watched that,with Fabian giving his opinion on the clothes.
Until Grace and Zardari walked in. Zardari threw a brown bag smelling of chicken on the table.
"What are you doing",he said.
"Obviously watching tv",I responded.
Zardari looked outraged.
"Well we need to discuss what went down in your private session,get your score and move on from there.",Grace said
"What we're doing next",Zardari added.
"Me and Fabian were gonna watch what not to wear,that's next up."I said flipping through the tv guide."Then we were planning on running through the halls in just our underwear."
I turned to Fabian
"Do you think rainbow boxers will make a statement more than tighty whities."
"Definitely,nobody will forget you.But I also think you should have the world vote on it.".he laughed.
"Hm yeah I'll put that on my to do list."
Zardari snapped."Stop it,this is serious.
Fabian stood."No,he's right."
Zardari looked at him."He's right?!"
I looked shocked,"Im right?!"
Fabian shook his head,"No,Zardari's right about your training scores,when the're low-"
"So you calling me stupid",I squinted.
"No!I meant if-"
"But I think its guaranteed they are low",Zardari added.
"You think I get low scores.",I fumed
Zardari shrugged."Have you ever taken a scored test"
How dare he.....ok he had a point.
"Fine lets work out a plan",I said stretching.
Zardari immediately started pacing."Its obvious that you'll be the biggest target.But I need those scores of yours."
Fabian looked at me."How did it go anyways."
I picked at my shirt."It was alright."
Zardari looked at me.
"In fact,I really don't wanna talk about it.Can we just make a plan from my scores."
Zardari's look was stone cold."Jonathan what did you do."
I was spared by answering by the door being knocked on.
Grace went to open it and quickly came back with a red envolope.
I raised my eyebrows "Shopping in my time of need huh"
Zardari scowled,"Its your training scores."
I bolted up straight,"What"
Zardari took the envolope from Grace and began to open it.
"Like what exactly does the envolope give.Just the score or like details leading to the score."
Nobody answered.Zardari opened the envolope and began to read a black piece of paper.His mouth open.
"What",I say
Grace and Fabian goes to look at the paper,same expression.
"What",I say louder
Zardari pulls out the paper and turns it so I could see.There in gold writing,is my name and Zodiac sign along with a big 87.
"87,Thats a high number thats good right.......right",I repeat when nobody speaks.
"Good",Fabian manages."Jonathan thats....thats Excellent" he claps his hands and squeals.
Zardari looks shocked."Not bad"
Grace hugs me.
"I may have a chance with you,but I still need to know what you did.",Zardari said.
I smiled at him."God bless that unwanted soul of yours"
Zardari opened his mouth to snap a response but Grace stopped him.
"Enough"she said."Zardari,you can work out plan without details."
"Not a good one"
"Any plan from you is not a good plan.",I said.
Zardari whirled on me."Oh yeah,well guess what,why don't YOU make your own plan.I'm done."
Then he turned walked to his room and slammed the door.
I didn't them because then I went into my room,shut the door and collapsed on the bed.
I woke up at sunrise the next day.This was it,no more training.By around noon I would be in the Exile fighting.
It is this that made me get up take a shower and put on clothes.Nothing too big,Fabian would fully dress me to prepare for the arena.
I went to the sitting room and the energy was tense.Grace was sitting up straight.Fabian fidgeting.Zardari with his arms crossed.
We sat in silence until a Truant came to the door.
"Time to go,lets move"
Grace looked at me."Its time."
We opened the door to the Truant who immediately turned and led us to the elevator.Taking it up to the roof.I could hear choppers and sure enough when we stepped out a helicopter was on the landing pad surrounded by Truants.
We were ushered inside and slammed door.They gave the signalvfor the helicopter to move and we were off to God knows where.
Fabian handed me a bag."Eat"
I took it."Why"
Fabian shook."Not sure if the Exile will have food."
I was hlafway through openeing it."What?They can starve you."
"Of course,they can do what they feel like."Fabian said.
I munched on a small bottle of..."Bacon bits"
"Don't eat Bacon.",Grace said
"I do but this is literally the best thing in here.",Referring to the bag which also contained raisins,crackers and cheese,a bottle of water and a granola bar.
The ride seemed to take forever and I was almost relieved when the helicopter began to descend.
The door opened again and we were led out.We walked down a metal hallway and stopped at a door with my name on it:
Launch room-Jonathan/Cancer
"This is where we say goodbye.",Grace said.
I looked at her."What"
"The launch room is only for you and...Zardari if he chooses.Me and Fabian have to go an handle any mail,gifts or sponsers for you."
Grace hugged me again,while Fabian nearly tackled me,tears running down his face.Then they looked at Zardari,who wasn't even looking at me.
"Well go on,you'll find a selection of clothed I chose on the other side.A good thing is you could wear what ever you like.",Fabian sniffles.
I nodded and stepped inside the launch room.Fabian was right about the clothes and they were just what I wore.T shirts,hoodies,Jeans,sweatpants with no glitter or extra decoration.In the back of the room surrounded by light was the launch pad.
I put on black jeans with a black belt a black shirt and a black hoodie with black sneakers.
The door opened while I was zipping the hoodie and Zardari walked in.
"That will kill you if the Exile is a desert.",he said.
I didn't respond.
"Made up a plan yet."
"Why are you here",I asked.
"To talk"
"Really?To talk?Cause somebody walked away from me when they were supposed to be giving a plan.Someone's been ignoring me for the past few days."
Zardari stared."Ive been ignoring you.When's the last time you ate a proper breakfast at the hotel table."
"Whens the last time you haven't lied about been drunk,when's the last time you talked to Fabian about anything,and when are you gonna notice that Fabian likes you.",I said coldly.
Zardari froze.I walked away.
"Jonathan",Zardari grabbed my shirt."Is this whats it's about.Fabian."
"I know he loves me".He continued
"But you don't love him."
Zardari flinched."Look,Im sorry about what I said about Bryana,I was drunk from the party.I-"
Zardari swallowed."Your not supposed to bring anything into the Exile that would give you an advantage,food,weapons but-",he reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of bacon bits.
"Your giving me bacon bits?"
"As Fabian said,there might not be any food."
I took it."Thanks."
"I'll talk to Fabian,your right I haven't been talking to him.I'll work something out while you stay alive."
A voice on the intercome told me to prepare for launc in one minute.
Zardari walked with me to the pad.I stepped in.
"You still haven't told me.",I said
"Told you what"
"The plan,what's the plan"
Zardari grinned."You already have a plan"
"Which is"
"Do what you do best"
"And that would be"
"Winging it.Me,Grace,Fabian and Camp Cancer are voting for you."
A sound proof glass cylinder came down cutting off me from Zardari.
He tapped his left wrist and mouthed.'Your parents too'.
At first I thought he was talking about the bacon bits,then I realized he meant my wristband.
Sound and Prevail.
The platform began to rise.

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