Young Death Sentence

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I don't remember falling asleep but I was shaken awake by Ms. Elliot at 4:30.She had something in her hand
"Get up Jonathan"her voice hoarse."The Truants will get you in half an hour"
"You mean that they will demand I come out in half an hour since they are already here",I said glancing towards the window.Sure enough Truants were outside the front door.
Ms.Elliot bit her lip and sat down on the floor next to me.
"Jonathan,I have something for you",she said and handed me what was in her hand.
It was a red box,a few scratches were on it.I opened it,inside was a picture of a baby and a red wristband with a statement: Sound and Prevail"
"The baby is you,the wristband was your father's.He had it on when he died."
I put the wristband on my left wrist and looked back at baby me.I was smiling,my hands in the air like I was trying to grab the camera.I noticed that the photo was torn on both sides.
"There's other parts"I said indicating the torn photo.
Ms.Elliot shook her hand."That's how I received it"
I nodded and got up she stood also."Your a strong kid,Jonathan.The others look up to you.I know you'll survive.You always seem to"
Tears were rolling down her face I didn't know what to say.I nodded again.
The next half hour was a blur.I took a shower and put on clean clothes.The other kids wished me luck.The girls held back tears,the boys looked solemn.
Finally five arrived I was led out by the Truants.The whole neighborhood stood in the street.They watched and said things as I was led to the train that would take me to the Court,where I would meet my mentor.I didn't exactly hear what they said,but one said thaf the other neighborhoods weren't pleased with me.They thought that I was the reason we have an Exile.
The Truants led me on to the platform,then on the the train in what felt like two seconds.People came up and said their last goodbyes how I was a good kid,I didn't deserve this,the very same people who called the Truants for me walking on their lawn or painting the walls of their store.I wanted to curse at them.
Then the doors closed.Leaving me alone on the train.Then the train started to move and they all started to wave at me.I didn't wave back.
The train experience wasnt bad though.
The train itself was luxurious. The inside was padded with cushions all over.Even though there was no flat screen television lied in the middle of the room,the tables and chairs were lined with magazines.
Clean windows gave me a beautiful view of the city.It felt weird though.Heading into other neighborhoods with actual permission instead of walking the roads on my own.
There were waiters who greeted me and answered my every call.
The food was like heaven better than anything I could have gotten back at Camp.
My mentor came in about a half  hour later.
"Where have you been",I said while munching on a chicken leg.
"Places,especially the Exile,where you are going.That's why I'm. here.",he said.
"Zardari Chase,winner of Exile 26, fourteen years ago.And you Jonathan seem very different from our sign.",he continued
"Your a cancer?"I asked.
"Yeah,you only get mentored by your own sign."
"So are there other Cancer mentors",I asked
"No",Zardari said,"Im the only one"
Zardari looked quite young.In his twenties,I expected.A pale complexion,with tousled black hair,green eyes and thin arms.
"Sooo,how did you get mentored",I said
"I didn't,I just knew what I knew and learned what I didn't."
He grabbed a chair and sat next to me.
"Jonathan,the boy with no last name.Who blew up Gabriel Stuarts house and damaged several others and nearly got killed himself."
I flexed."So.He deserved it"
"How come?"
I didn't answer.I wasn't about to tell him I'm a rulebreaker,even if he was a Cancer.
"It makes no sense trying to hide.Everyone knows who you are,you can't blow up a house along with others things you've done and go unnoticed",he said looking at his fingernails.
"Well,I always said I wanted to be famous-"
"That's why they have an Exile"
I froze."What"
"They created this Exile becaise of you.Why do you think they came up with it so quick and put you in it."
I swallowed."So whats their plan"
Zardari leaned back."They're hoping you die in there or you come back so traumatized that you'll never cause trouble again."
  I never actually seen an Exile as it happened.But apparently they showed videos in school and sold some on DVD.
I bought-well 'borrowed'-one and watched it and spent an hour throwing up.The deaths were so gruesome and most of the time the winners who came back ended up mental,suicidal or died of fear.
"So,I'll just live or die"
"It won't be as easy as you think.The other neighborhoods are pissed at you.I mean a kids actions makes you put a ten year old on a death sentence.Many of them are praying for your death."
Oh wow
"All of the other mentors are older than me.So you can bet they'll have some plans to eliminate you,especially the Chosen Gemini.Gabriel's not to pleased with you",Zardari said
"Not much people are",I responded with a dry throat.I could handle a few citizens and a Truant or two.But a whole city out to get me,plus my crush in the Exile.All because of the Court,made my stomach turn and my head flip.
"So the Court put a young death sentence on me and your the only one who could help me.What do we do",I said
Zardari stared at me,"Figure out what you know and implant what you don't.It also won't help you to hope either."

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