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Another hour of walking or so of following the wind and I began to hear the rushing sound of water not far ahead of me.

I frowned,the exile is always playing tricks. What if it's just an illusion and I fall into another deep ass crevasse? What if I think it's water but it's actually -WATER

The cave gives way to a beautiful,clear,cold REAL POND OF WATER COMPLETE WITH ITS OWN....DAMN....WATERFALL.

I could feel the cold mist from the waterfall on my face and poisonous water or not I was panting like a dog immediately. I dashed as fast as my head would allow to the edge of the pond and stared into it,trying to resist the urge to dive face first into it.

Hmmmmm. The water in the pond looks normal,crystal clear. There are plants near the edge of the pond thriving well,something that wouldn't happen if the water was poisonous. After three more seconds of debating I scooped up water to bring to the cut on my forehead.

It was like my brain was crying in relief,letting the cold water run over my hot burning face. Only problem was re-dipping my hands met contaminating the section of water I was supposed to drink after.

After taking a deep breath and saying a silent apology to my forehead I sunk my head underwater.


Letting the surface of the water clean my cut while I take in refreshing gulps after gulps of water until I needed to come up for air. I could literally feel the way rehydrating my body,the pain in my forehead began to ease. I felt bad for turning my part of the clear water into brown and red but the rest of the water should be fine.

When I felt refreshed enough to move I stood up and stared at the waterfall. The water had to be coming from somewhere above me. After circling the pond for a while I found the opening I was looking for. Although the climb to the top of the waterfall looked easy it was high as hell. I wasn't sure if I had the strength yet to climb all the way up.

Not like I have a choice though. I waddled into the pond and shivered it was so damn cold. I slowly made my way to the waterfall. It was honestly a beautiful sight. It looked like it was taught to fall only gracefully like liquid glitter. The mist shined like little specks of diamonds getting separated from the water. I walked behind it to see that the rocks were slightly damp and glowing from that diamond waterfall mist.

I put my hand in the waterfall and began to climb slowly. Everything seemed so perfect the water began to have a sweet smell. It was familiar but I couldn't place my finger on it. I kept climbing,probably about three feet up now 21 thousand more to go? It's weird though I thought it would be difficult to climb because I basically supposed to have the body strength of a three year old right now from not eating for days but I'm scaling this rock like I'm spider-man.

The sweet smell from the water was getting stronger, the mist seemed to be following me upward making halos around me but that's not right because mist falls down....right?...

I don't know anymore I just keep climbing. The rocks look different they have a lighter brown color look to them and they smell like cinnamon. Tempted I lick one of the rocks.It IS cinnamon. I lick the rock again it tastes so good. I keep climbing though my body doesn't want to. My body and mind are telling me to stop, to spend all day licking the Cinnamon Toast Crunch rocks and drink the diamond water but something in the back of my mind is telling me to keep going,forcing me to.

Eventually I do reach the top. I come to a kneel on a platform next to the diamond stream that leads to the diamond waterfall like a true euphoria. I deeply inhale the sweet scents surrounding me when a voice sounds.

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