Would you kill me

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"She's here in the Exile with me.The Gemini,Bryana Holder."
The Gemini....Bryana.
I jumped up,"HE'S LYING"
Grace,Zardari and Fabian stared at me.
"And you know this because",Zardari said.
I didn't answer,I was seething.
  I went to my room and slammed the door.
I may not go to school but I've heard stories about Chase Mortigal from other kids who went to his school.He was very popular but also a huge heartbreaker and player.
He lies to get what he wants and was one hundred percent sure he was lying about Bryana...but why.
  Who was Aries' mentor.Think...Jonathan...think.Then it hit me.I wasn't sure of his name but I knew from past Exiles Ms.Elliot told me about that he was huge friends with Gabriel Stuart.In fact they won their Exile together.Gabriel who hates me with a passion.
  He knew! He knew how I felt about Bryana,he knew since we were getting ready for the interview maybe even longer than that.Then he passed it on to the Aries mentor,who passed it on to Chase because Chase was also known for embarrassing people.
He probably doesn't even like Bryana,he just said he does to stop me.Rope her in an alliance,kill me then embarrass her on national television.
FUUUUUUUUAAAACK",I screamed.Excuse my rude language.
But...But. They don't know who they're messing with.In fact,I wonder if Bryana's watching this.If she believes it.Most likely not,Bryana would kill Chase before she gets embarrassed by him.
That thought made me feel a little better.
However if I thought I had the Court's citizens on my side.They're going head over heels for Chase and his "love interest".
I threw myself on the bed and willed myself to sleep.Dreams plagued me for the second time that night.
I was running through a dark room bleeding heavily.A voice was calling to me.
I was running as fast as I could.I stumbled over something.An arm.Rick's dead arm.
Laughter. I turned wildly.
"Come out here.Im not scared." I was hella scared.
More laughter then two figures stepped out of the shadows.Chase and Bryana,they were both laughing.
Chase had a knife in his hand.He threw it at me,I ducked but not fast enough.It lodged in my chest,no passed through my chest.
I looked at them,"You can't kill me"
Chase stared at me but Bryana was still grinning.
"We'll see"she said.Then she reached for Chase,looped her hands behind his neck and kissed him.
"AHHHH",I yelled for blood was starting to collect where the knife should have been.
I stumbled,staring at my hands and shirt,dyed red.
Chase had his hands on Bryana's waist and was kissing her hard.Another cut opened on my face I stared to run.
I didn't know where I was,where I was going.Chase laughed.A few steps ahead...yes I could see light.   Another cut on my legs and I collapsed,my vision going in and out.I was losing blood but I was so close.
I began to crawl,footsteps behind me,blood dripped into my eyes.Then two feet away it became too painful to crawl.
Bryana and Chase caught up to me.Bryana touched the blood on my face and drew the sign for Cancer on my face. ♋
  Then she got up held hands with Chase then walked through the light.
I woke up sweating.It was 5:00 in the morning.I took a shower then I threw on a white t-shirt and black sweatpants and left my bedroom.It was dark,nobody was up yet.Writing a note that I was going to the training room so nobody would freak,I headed out.
I knew where the training room was but nobody was there either.
There was weights and rope climbing in the corner.Obstacle courses were spread out everywhere.Along with the mist deadly weapons you could find and how to stations.
How to build a fire,a homemade bomb,a net,etc.
A list of rules were all over the wall,telling us the list of stations and we are allowed to visit each one.We are forbidden to fight another person.And we are not allowed to leave the training room before pratice is over.
  I didn't really know what to do.There was no trainers here yet.I knew how to climb though so I went over to the rope climbing station and began to climb up.The ropes were rough and varied in sizes and thickness.Very different to the tree branches and vines back home.I managed though and was even practicing swinging from rope to rope before the training door opened.
  I didn't know if there was a rule against  being alone in the training room,maybe there was always the case of suicide.I looked close enough at those weapons to tell that they're real.
I also didn't know what the penalty was,but I knew I've been in enough trouble.So I began lowering myself to the floor.Unfortunately I was practicing swinging from them and had one tied around my wrist.So the only thing I managed was to suspend myself from the roof as the figure stepped into view.
"I bump into you again",Bryana says.
I exhale relieved."Actually,you stumbled across me"
Bryana raised her eyebrows."Trying to hang yourself in the night.That's a first even for you"
"Ha ha",I say spinning lazily in the air.
A plop tells me Bryana has sat down."What are you doing here anyway"
I remember the dream,the blood,the kiss.I flinched,"Couldn't sleep",I am spinning back around in her direction.
She nodded,her back to me.
"Im guessing you couldn't either.Is it..was it because of the interview.",I asked.
She moved so fast I didn't even see it one minute she was still the next I see something silver whistle towards my head.I hear the rope snap and I am crashing towards the ground face first.
  I lift my head up not daring to move.
Bryana spoke in a deadly quiet tone."Would you sleep if someone said on live television that they loved you,not knowing if they would come back or not."
"Uh...I don't know"
"You don't know if their telling the truth or trying to save themselves.Would you sleep."
I began to stand and then was slammed back down to the mat.Bryana had tackled me as fast as lightning.
"Would you?",she demanded
"Well nobody ever liked me as far as I know"
Her fingers dug into my shoulders.
"Ow!No!I wouldn't!",I pleaded.
  Her hair had fallen into her face.I wanted to brush it away but I was numb.
"It's funny,you never talked to me before.", I said.
Bryana rolled her eyes."Because I didn't know you all that well before.You didn't come to school and you live in a different neighborhood."
"But you knew I existed."
"Of course I knew you existed.Always getting in trouble and I saw you sneak over to Gemini a few times.".She got off of me.I was a little disappointed.
  "Would you like to get to know me?",I said.
"I don't have time to".She didn't mean to be rude but it didn't help that something inside me seemed to die.
"So what,don't trust nobody",I said.
"That was the plan until Chase said what he said.Now Gabriel thinks I should team with him.",she replied.
"Don't really have a choice do I"
She stood,flipped her hair from her face and turned to leave.
I jumped up."Do you hate me?I mean everyone's targeting me in the Exile.Would you kill me if you had the chance?"
Bryana half turned towards me."Your not an enemy,but your not a friend either."Was all she said.
This time she continued on her way to the door.And I watched her not even bothering to call her back to say the hundreds of things that were on my mind.

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