Devil's Child

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I was back in Camp Cancer. I was completely alone though. All the lights were off not a sou d to be heard except for the wind pushing back the blinds from the windows.

Not much visible in front of me except the steam from my mouth as I exhaled. Boards creak as I creep forward slowly.

"Yo?", I asked. I'm not even sure why I asked. I'm positive nobody is here.

I kept walking to the room quarters. Juilan's, Sadie's, Ms. Elliott's, all empty
.The beds untouched, blankets neatly folded. I advanced on my own room and a sudden darkness formed behind me pushing open the door carefully I peaked inside. My room was the same as the other rooms. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me and there it was.

Rick,dead covered in blood. Stuffed in the corner behind my bed. His blood smeared on the back of my door. Rick's dead glossy eyes widened in shock,his neck slit,clothes bloodstained.

Then darkness.

I was no longer in my room but in the Court main entrance. Surrounded by dead bodies. Blood everywhere in sight
.On the floor,on the walls on me. Looking down I see Bryana at my feet. I drop to my knees, fumble for her wrist to feel a heartbeat. Its there but fading, she wont make it...

"I couldn't have done this one my own."

I looked up to see President Payne coming down the stairs in a crisp clean suit,not a drop of blood on him. Not one out of place feature.

"You did this?" My voice dry and raspy seething with anger.

"Don't you mean we?"

"I did nothing" I hissed

"Oh but you did,under my command and you were happy and proud to. You wielded the weapon that slayed these people."

"What-" I tightened my fists and immediately felt a stabbing pain in my hand. I was tightly gripping a bloodstained knife in my hand.I could tell the blood wasn't mine but belonged to...

I dropped it and scrambled away from Bryana and Payne.

"Jonathan" Payne said,stepping over Bryana, "Your still too young to understand. You may hate me now but when the time is right, I know you'll pick the winning side."

He stepped towards me. "Everything dark turns to light. You'll see that I am and was always right."

Darkness fell again. I was being handed a piece of paper. They told me to close my eyes and pick a name. I did as they asked. Opening my eyes I realized one word was written throughout the paper.


A truant officer patted my shoulder.

"Congratulations, your dead now."


Im choking now,gasping for air. Im under water. I'm trying to swim for the surface but I'm chained down. Spots dancing in front my eyes. While trying to paddle my wristband comes off my left hand. Instead of the words 'Sound and Prevail' it said 'Devils Child'.

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