Split Apart

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I did as Bryana demanded and fell asleep like a rock.

Dreams passed through,my conservations with Grace,Zardari,Ms. Elliot,Bryana.The Court.Gabriel.My parents.

I dont know how long I was asleep but I woke up to Chase kicking me.

"Get up sleepy head.Or I'll leave you here to die.",he said

"Stop kicking me Chase.Or Ill break your legs and leave you here to die."

He grinned.I got up and brushed the dirt off my clothes,it made no sense as it didnt make them look any better.

Rick was already up and sitting down."How much farther?"

Bryana frowned."Still gotta get up that hill dont we?"

"Time",I asked

"According to the sun,Id say almost noon."Chase said"We better get moving."

"Chase is right.We cant waste anymore time.Lets switch this time."

So I grabbed up Chase and Bryana grabbed up Rick and we continued on our way.

"Walk steady,my side-"Chase groaned

I slowed down and steadied myself.After about an hour or walking,the ground was sloping dangerously upward.I almost lost my footing several times before I hit my foot on a sand brick.

I looked up,"Yo,its gonna be a climb to the top"

Bryana looked up too."Fuck,How we gonna climb that with Chase and Rick?"

I shrugged"Climb around?"

"No way?"

Suddenly a loud crash erupted behind us.I turned around to see a dust tornado appear out of nowhere,dust and sand was swirling in the tunnel violently and more loud crashes erupted from that direction.

"The hell is that",Chase yelled.

"The arena breaking apart",Me and Bryana said at the same time.

We watched the destruction violently occur for another 5 minutes before it came to a silent stop.All was calm again.

I knocked on the sand."Seems hard enough for us to climb on.How do we get them up though?"Motioning to Chase and Rick.

"They're gonna have to step on their own and we support them from behind",Bryana said.She looked at Rick."Can you stand?"

"I can try",Rick grunted.

"Well hurry up and try.You need to be in front."Bryana nodded towards the cliff.

Rick nodded.Shouldering his small pack he wobbly got to his feet and stumbled to hill.

"Rick,Me,Bryana, you that's the order."Chase said

"How long do you think this climb is gonna take?",I asked.

"Dunno.Two hours?Depending on our speed maybe three"

Rick put his foot on the first brick,tested it out by bouncing on it and nodded to us when he found it satisfactory.

"Lets go",Bryana said.

Rick climbed slowly up the hill,Chase followed close behind.Bryana went up next and after she got up a few feet I climbed last behind her.

"If anybody feels weak or gets chicken legs.Holler and we'll stop."Chase called.

"I think you should be worrying about your own self getting chicken legs",I spoke.

We continued our climb on one difficult cliff.It was so complicated,One minute there was easy handholds,sometimes too easy thats you could lay down on them or climb on them with ease.Several feet later hand and footholds became almost impossible to find as they were no bigger than a pebble and literally left you hanging on by your fingernails.Several times one of us lost our footing resulting in many pebbles to the head and face (mostly my head and face)and a few times we were left dangling on nothing but air and a pebble handhold.Slowly but surely though we made our way up.

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