Not Over Yet

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I woke up to the sun peaking over the horizon and Bryana still laying on my chest, head buried in my neck, her hand next to my face and my hands still around her. I checked for a pulse and was relieved to find that she was still breathing. I laid there catching my breath trying to grasp the moment of Bryana laying on me and trying to understand the dream I just had when she lifted her head up. Our eyes locked for about 5 seconds before we jumped away from each other.

"What were you doing?!?", she asked.

"What?- I- Nothing-"

She quickly got to her feet and grabbed her shoulder in pain. "You stabbed me with something. What was it?", she demanded. "Did you?- I swear to god if you-"

"NO! No- " I said horrified, getting to my feet as well. "I'd never! It was medicine. Anesthetic given to me by Ms. Elliot. It was enough for two people and it was supposed to be for Rick and Chase but you needed it then so I gave it to you and you passed out but not before putting up one hell of a fight", I said, showing her my right hand which was swollen and covered in dried blood and teeth marks. " I also passed out right after you from the pain you dealt me as you also punched me in the jaw during your moment, so no I didn't. What you're thinking didn't happen."

Bryana's breathing returned to normal. "Okay...okay." She winced again. "My head-"

"Yeah...You were choking me to death and I had to punch you to get the anesthetic in so...sorry bout that."

"Consider it even for nearly biting you hand off."

"And punching me in the jaw?"

"And punching you in the jaw"

"And nearly killing me by suffocation?"


"Ok, ok I got it", I said.

"But if the medicine was for Rick and Chase then you should've saved it for them.", she said

I frowned. "You were in the middle of having a mental breakdown. If I didn't give it to you...I don't know where you would have ran off to but you wouldn't be here."

Bryana looked off into the horizon at the rising sun. "We've wasted time. Will your hand be okay?"

I looked at the mess that is my right hand. "Stiff and swollen probably infected now from the time we were passed out and my hand was exposed to the outside but Rick's injuries are way worse. Right now the main focus is finding him and injecting him with this anesthetic, then getting the hell outta here so we can all get the treatment we need and find out what Zadari was talking about"

Bryana looked at me. " You spoke to Zadari?"

"Only in my dream. We were arguing about doors."


"It's better and less confusing if you don't ask. Here.", I said offering her one of the remaining fruit snacks in my pocket before we continued on walking.


And so we continued on, only able to pray that we were heading in the right direction. My right hand flared up in pain as I walked and I yelped in pain as I struggled to open my pack of fruit snacks.

Bryana walked over to me, "Give it to me.", she took the pack from my hands, opened it and returned the pack to me.

"Ah, thanks."

Bryana stared at me for a while.

"What", I said, nearly stuttering because of how close she was standing and how intense her gaze was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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