Game changer

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I shook Rick awake."Get up we need to start moving"

Rick rolled over and yawned.Then he coughed and spit.

"You ok",I asked

"Yeah,dirt got in my mouth."he shakily stood."Where are we."

"A cave with two passageways,I've git a plan and your not gonna like it.",I said

Rick scratched his head."Ok"

"We've got to find the other Chosen as many as we can,we're running low on food and completely out of water which-"

"Is bad",he said

"Yeah,and I got a tip off yhat they plan to release the exit outta here but who knows when thats gonna happen."

"So basically"

"Basically,finding these other Chosen tells us who's left a bonus is if we get close enough we can see if we can grab any food."

Rick fidgeted.

"What?Got a better plan."

"No" he said quickly."So which way front or back?"

"Got a good gut feeling."

He pointed ahead."Keep moving forward right?"

We gathered what little we had,turned on a flashlight and moved into the passage.

"How's your hands."I asked just to say something.

Rick raised his bandaged hands.The bandages now soaked red.

"They feel beeter than yesterday.",he said slowly peeling off the bandages.

His hands looked like raw meat,before you started to clean it blood still dripping and all.Dirt and dried blood was stuck to the now reddish pink skin.Another crucial reason to find water,if he kept his hands like that they would get infected.

"Ew..uh I mean how did your hands get like that anyways."

"The-whatever those were- clawed me and rolling down a hill didn't help."


The cave walls seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.Rick who was once walkung next to me now had to walk behind me.I was about to suggest turning back because I was not ready to start wiggling through a cave opening when I saw light.

"Hey...OW"Rick who was crouching upon seeing the light stood straight up forgetting the cave roof was only about 3 feet high.

"It looks pretty far.And if this cave roof gets any smaller we're gonna get stuck."I said.

"Maybe we can win that way.",he said

"Only if the exit appeared right in front of our faces which I highly doubt."

A deep rumble echoed behind us.

"But there's nothing wrong in trying.",I said.

I crawled forward.Yep,I was right the cave roof is still getting smaller and the opening still looked to far.And there was definitely something behind us now,the rumble was getting louder.

I laid flat and inched my way over as fast as I could.I pray to god there's no cameras in here becaue this is ridiculous.

Still inching the ground shook but the light seemed closer this time.

"Almost there Rick."

Rick shifted behind me."That still looks pretty far."

"Shut up,its progress."

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