My Ceremonial Request

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"Ah there he is",Derek said."Thought he climbed over a wall"
Laughter.I put on a smile and climbed on stage,Derek led me in a seat.
"Jonathan,eh,the boy with no family.Who caused trouble for years blew up a winner's house and is now on the Exile."
"Yes"I said trying to contain my anger."How many other Jonathan's do you know fit that description."
More Laughter.
"Not much"
"Exactly",Grace's advice ran through my head.'Be yourself'.Derek was just another Truant or Court offical in my head.And I always make jokes.
'I got this'I thought as I leaned back in the chair.
Derek raised his eyebrows."Well,There was alot of people who found this Exile unexpected and they all seem to be blaming you.Anything to say."
"Well,why didn't they have an Exile every time I did something wrong.Why now, you can't really blame me.But I have realized Im an very huge target."
"And what do you plan to do about that."
"Bake a cake." More laughter.This crowd was mine."I even put 'Im sorry' with my blood on it.By day four,I should be good."
Derek grinned."Any alliances planned"
"Really Derek your just as bad as the Truants back home.All Brawn no brain." Laughter from the crowd."I can't do alliances and a cake at the same time,I just hope you guys have a kitchen or I might actually have to climb a wall."
The crowd was dying.I actually saw one guy double over at the corner of my eye.I grinned.
"So far the other Chosen are in suits and dresses and your...can I say dressed to party how come?"
"Glad you asked.This is just what I'm used to.I may have been thrown in here but I'm not gonna change.Plus,this allows me to move fast."
I got up and did quick feet with a serious face to demonstrate.The crowd jeered.Even some of the other Chosen sitting in a corner looked entertained.
Derek stood up as a buzzer sounded."Looks like our times up for young Jonathan."
"Awwwwwwww",the crowd deflated.
"Jonathan if you don't mind is there anything else you have to say."
"Pray to God for my baking skills.The smell might kill me off"
I flashed them a killer smile.
The crowd screamed,laughed,cheered and clapped.
I walked over to join my other Exile companions and sat at the back.
The other interviews were a blur to me.Finally,the last person went and we all stood.Derek introduced us one last time then we all walked through a back door where our metors were waiting.
Zardari grinned."Not bad for a first time under pressure."
"Really,I thought you would have killed me."
"It was just like my performance.Sarcasm.Just enough to tell anyone observant that your annoyed."
I nodded."What now"
"There's a dinner for all Chosen and mentors but you don't have to attend if you don't want to."
"I'll go,can't hurt."
So we made our way backstage where a little party was being thrown.Food of all kinds was placed on tables everywhere,I reached for a cookie,then two,then three,then seven.I was starving.
There was alot of Court officals that I had to shake hands with.And alot of Truants of course that seemed to follow me more than usual.Zardari whispered to me that they were there mostly to keep an eye on me and to make sure I stayed within eyesight of an adult.
I went from table to table stacking everything that I could on my plate.At the tacos table there was only one left.
I dived for that thing unfortunately someone else had the same idea.We played hand -footsie for a while until the person snatched the taco but not without me scratching their hand.
"Are you FLIPPING SERIOUS-" I looked up and froze.
Bryana stood front of me holding the taco with blood seeping through the cut on her hand.Her eyebrows raised.
On other days,I would have got on my knees and apologized but my hunger got the best of me.
"I wanted that taco",I managed to say.
Bryana put the taco on her plate,raised her hand and said"I realized."
"I liked your interview.",she continued.
"Thanks,I also liked that taco.Can I get it back?"
Bryana rolled her eyes with a sexy grin and walked away.A few steps away,she half turned and said"Nice clothes."
I stayed there smiling until Zardari dragged me back to our hotel room about two hours later.Fabian greeted us excitedly
Grace picked up a dvd of the interview from the party and we sat down and watched it.The dvd played the interview backwards so the Chosen Aquarius,Kayla, went first.
Then came little Rick from Capricorn he told the crowd he liked music. Even smaller was our youngest chosen Alyissa of Sagittarius who told the crowd her mother gave her a lucky bracelet that went through her family for generations.
Scorpio's Madison went next then Libra's Nathaniel who talked about watching over his brother. Virgo's Adam said he didn't mind being in the Exile and said he would be hard to kill cause he took martial arts.
Leo went next.Then my interview.Bryana was next.
"How do you plan to go throuhh this Exile Bryana.",Derek asked her.
Bryana flipped her hair out her face."Charm,strategy and common sense."
"You also seem to give off a fighting vibe."
"I learned at a young age.I also learned to trust nobody.",she responded.
Emily from Taurus was next.Then finally Chase from Aries.
"Chase your seventeen and put into the Exile.You had alot to look forward to."
Chase shrugged."I mean I'm already on the football and basketball and wrestling team at school.I got a driver's license and I'm pretty attractive."
The crowd swooned,I nearly threw up.
"So life's all good."Derek said.
"Not quite...there's this girl-"
"Are you saying she doesn't know you exist.",Derek said perplexed.
"No she knows,it's just that I was planning to ask her out until this happened."Chase said
"Well,all you got to do is make sure you win so you can get that chance."
The crowd cheered.
"That's what I thought but it's not that simple."
"How come"
"Because,Derek,she's here in the Exile with me.The Gemini,Bryana Holder."

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