Act Out

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Four left.Just four left.

The only thought that kept running in my head.Rick and I made it to the hill at sunset.Rick collasped the moment we reached there,I took my time.Stashing the food we stole into the packs.

Four left.Bryana,Chase,Kayla and Madison.

We were so close to home,so close to winning this thing.

What Nathaniel told me popped into my head again.'Bryana and Chase were with you from the start.' It's possible he could be lying,why would Chase and Bryana of all people,whose mentors want me dead,be on my side.

But then my mind flashed back o another memory,the first time i went into the training room and Bryana came in after me.

"Do you hate me?I mean everyone's targeting me in the Exile.Would you kill me if you had the chance?"
Bryana half turned towards me."Your not an enemy,but your not a friend either."

Then Nathaniel goes, "Bryana was more in depth with it.I think she managed to change Chase's mind at some point."

Ok so let's say that,they were on my side...Where are they?I didn't see Bryana or Chase after Nathaniel went after his brother.Are they even alive?

I popped off the top of a canteen and took a drink.I could almost here Zardari's voice in my head.'Guess you gotta find them.Even if they're against you.Knowing is always better than not knowing.'

I moved to shake Rick awake."You need water"

Rick opened his eyes and looked at me and it took all of my willpower not to yell.

Both of his eyes were bloodshot.He could barely keep his eyes open and his bresthing was quick and shallow.

"Water",he said and weakly held out his hands.His hands were still bleeding.How?

"Can you hold it.",I said and handed it to him.

He flinched as he took it but managed to drink from the canteen and handed it back.His bloody handprint now at the side of it.

He then layed back down and proceeded to sleep.I snuck a look at his hands,yep still bleeding and heavily by the small pools now collecting around his hands.

This is not good.

When Rick cut his hands the first time,it took hours for the bleeding to stop.His hands were just beginning to heal when I cut his hands again and made more and deeper cuts.He doesn't have enough blood in his body.If this keeps on going he'll die of blood loss.

To make things even worse,the only reason I could think of his skin not healing is that bacteria entered his body through the cut and is affecting his white blood cell count.And if the bacteria is traveling through his bloodstream....

Well Im no genius,but if I dont get Rick medical attention fast,he'll either die of blood loss or blood poisoning.

I closed my eyes.

And the only way I'll be getting medical attention is if that exit portal opens now.Like right now.

I opened my eyes.No luck,still two dirty kids on a hill,with one about to die any minute and the other has no idea what to do.

The only thing I could do right now,is get Rick to walk,then carry him if he can't walk and get as close to the exit as possible.

But Bryana and Chase had alot of supplies,maybe they have something.Which pulls me right back to finding them.

I laid down in the grass.All of a sudden four flashes of light appeared in the sky.They raced each other to the the other side of the arena.

I watched them waiting for something to happen,nothing did.They all raced each other to the other side then burst into smaller light and fell to the Earth.I fell asleep.

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