Three Times Near Death

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 Or at least I thought we did.Something black flew across my vision. Then I heard a shink sound.

Adam had thrown a sword and it impailed itself in the tree about three inches from my left ear.


Me and Rick took off into the compound.While Adam kept yelling and throwing sharp objects with deadly accuracy.If he wasn't injured himself I have a good feeling that we would be dead.

Stupid enemies with their stupid amazing aim with deadly weapons.

Running as fast as we could,making sure Rick was in front of me,Adam kept yelling his head off.I was very tempted to whack him with his own weapons.I mean if I had to die,you could at least do me a favor and chase me in peace.

He did eventually,unfortunately I found out that it wasn't help me.

About three more pairs of footsteps followed after Adam.Reinforcements.I could tell Rick was terrified he was running like one of those ninja characters from Naruto or maybe thats just how he runs.

The first reinforcement crashed out the bushes.Kayla.I barely had time to duck as she whipped a blade in my direction.I took out the pocket knife that I took.Then I looked at the big butcher knife she had.

Adam grabbed me,I kicked him in his bad leg and slashed his arm with a howl he let me go.

"JONATHAN.",Rick screamed somewhere.

I spun in a daze.I could not let these assholes grab Rick a second time.Emily,a Taurus, came through with a bow and arrow she took a shot at me but it was obvious she was lousy at it.She was more likely gonna hurt her own self than hurt me.


I located him up in a tree and I quickly scaled my way up next to him.The others surrounded the base of the trees.

"Still running Jonathan.",Adam growled.

"Whose running?Aren't I up in a tree,come and get me you ass."

Emily tried another shot with the bow,Kayla and Leo's Sadie threw knives,they all stopped short.

"I see the efforts are limitless,didn't I just outrun you.Come on up.",I taunted."Besides,it's a nice view."

"I bet it is.You have something that belongs to me.",Kayla said

"And that would be"

"Your life.",Kayla said swinging up the bow.

"Wow,how long it took you to come up with that one. Please put the bow down,Kayla I've heard that you can barely shoot a wad of paper in the trash,no point in hurting yourself."

Kayla gripped it tighter.

"Besides,I like to think that my life belongs to all of Anthem.They are all cheering at this moment back home."

"Jesus,somebody just climb the tree.He can't jump anywhere but down.I'd go myself but-"Adam winced.

"Yes,I'm pretty sure we all saw that your crippled.I caused that didn't I?",I said.

Sadie threw down her weapons and began to climb the tree.Rick,who I completely forgot was next to me started to whimper.I wasn't that worried,about twenty feet up,Sadie lost her footing and fell to the ground.She jumped back up and was about to climb again when a voice spoke

"Leave him."

We all turned towards the sound to find that Bryana and Chase had joined the party.My death and capture party.

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