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A/N -

This chapter is all about Tessa and Smith and needless to say, it'll be hella cheesy. Its doesn't have any Violet-Sam moments and it can be skipped if you want. I wrote it because I wanted to focus not only on the protagonists but others too since all the characters play a vital role.


|••• Violet's POV •••|

I had informed the whole group to be a little early than usual because we still weren't prepared yet but I guess I am being contradictory to my own words. Jasmine is waiting downstairs for me and here I am fixing my hair. I tie them up in a high ponytail and grab my backpack while running down the stairs.

"I am so so sorry!" I exclaim before she gets to say anything.

"Whatever." She grumbles and we walk outside the door after I grab the keys.

"Where is your Mustang?" She asks me when I unlock my mom's car.

"It is at Ryder's place. I was supposed to get it yesterday but I ll do it today." I say while reversing the car from the driveway.



"V, what's my position?" Rochelle asks me the minute I pick up.

"Meet me at the lockers. I'll explain everything to you." I say before hanging up.

"Alright Smith, ready? She had maths so she must be on her way to the cafeteria. Hurry!" I say, giving him a gentle push. He wipes the sweat off his forehead making his nervousness darn obvious to us.


Tessa's POV ~ (Lunch break)

"Tess?" I hear someone's voice and turn around to know it's Max.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask him.

"Could you just let me borrow your notes? I didn't get a thing today in Maths." He pleads.

"I'd definitely give it to you if my book was complete." I shrug.

"Oh alright. I'll ask for it from someone else." He says while turning to leave.

"Uh...if you get it, would you pass it on to me later?" I ask.

"Sure, I gotta go. Bye!"

"Alright thanks. Bye!" I wave him off.

The minute I step outside the class, I'm met with somebody I have been dying to see since morning. Though we are not on talking terms but that still doesn't stop me from missing him.

The way he stares at me clearly indicates that he is going through the same thing and he is tortured just as much as I am.

Involuntarily, I move closer to him which makes his face light up a little and he imitates my move. The growing closeness makes my heart race ten times faster and my lungs suddenly face difficulty in breathing.

Why wouldn't it though? I have been crazy about this crazy guy since quite awhile now.

"We need to talk." He says after what felt like eternity.

His voice sends shivers down my spine making me clear my throat before I appear like an absolute idiot.

"We do?" I ask, a little taken aback.

He closes his eyes for a brief moment before he looks back at me again. Guilt is visible in them making my heart melt.

"Look, I am really really sorry. I behaved like a complete dick. I don't know what came over me but you need to know that I'd never intend to hurt you like that. Never." He says sternly.

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