Chapter 1 - Loop Hole

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I just wish I had a friend that had a bit more... smarts. Honestly...

"Come on Jules! We have to go now before someone catches us!" I huffed, staring at Olivia, my best friend of many years, giving me that cheeky little smile of hers. 

"You are so bloody crazy! You do realize where we are right?!" Olivia looked up at the house, just staring at it, before turning back towards me, grinning a huge grin, making me chuckle a little. And we're not just at any house... it's Brian Jones's house.

I've always had the biggest thing for him. And Olivia has really lost it about it. Instead of buying me a damn poster or something with him on it, she sneaks us into his bloody house! And how she got away with that.. I will never understand.

Brian was the founder of the stones, the original rolling stone. And this was his home when he sadly died in 1969. But he's always been the most alluring to me out of all the stones. His blue eyes, blonde hair. Just beautiful.

I stared up at the house myself, just taking it all in, breathing in a deep breath, looking at Olivia to see her laughing slightly from the most likely goofy look upon my face.

"Who knows, maybe he's waiting for us inside!" I glared at her, slapping her arm, only making her laugh harder as she lead us through a bunch of trees. In the dark. Lovely... I looked around, paranoid. There's bound to be someone around...

Finally, we made it out into a big clearing, seeing that we landed right in Brian's back yard, making me wide eyed, seeing Olivia smiling, a huge smile. I narrowed my eyes at her. I will never understand how she does some of the things she does. 

"How in the world did you even know how to navigate here?!" She simply gave me a little smirk, making me shake my head. She's like a criminal mastermind with the things she comes up with. 

"Well... I sorta kinda planned it. Just be grateful Jules! Geez..." Well I would be if I didn't think we'd get caught by God knows who... But i simply sighed, making Olivia shake her head, suddenly smiling, running on down the little hill we were on towards the area I knew was close by. The pool area.... I slowly followed behind her, finally making my way towards the pool, seeing her already stripping, my eyes wide. My god really?!

"What in the hell are you doing?! You can't just jump on in!" Olivia only smiled, suddenly running towards the pool, howling as she jumped in, making me freak out. I've only seen the pool in pictures. It's a very beautiful one. But it has a tragic past to it... Poor Brian....

I simply stared at it, not moving, seeing the water moving from Olivia's splashing as she emerged from underwater, laughing like crazy, flipping her hair back, waving at me.

"Come on Jules! The water is wonderful." I simply stood there, staring at her, making her softly smile. It's not that i don't want to. It just felt so weird. Wrong almost is the word. 

"It's okay Jules... Really." I stood there for a moment, looking over the pool, then at Olivia, a little smile coming to my lips, slowly taking my clothes off, making Olivia hoot very loudly as I laughed, slightly shushing her, making her roll her eyes, playfully.

"Now that's my girl!" I slowly lowered down towards the edge of the pool, sticking my foot into the water, smiling a tad, my eyes softly closing. The water does actually feel pretty great... And as i slowly opened my eyes, Olivia was gone from sight, my eyes suddenly widening. Where did she go..?

Suddenly, I felt someone grab my foot, making me scream as i fell into the pool, going underwater, when I saw Olivia in my blurry vision, laughing so hard she was making bubbles. I instantly rose to the surface, taking in a breath I was holding, hitting the water so hard it caused ripples. Olivia came back up for air, still laughing her ass off, grabbing my arm.

Stoned on Jones {A Brian Jones Story}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt