Chapter 21 - Maybe The Last Time... I Don't Know.

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The night air on my skin was the first thing that got my attention. I jumped a little upon realizing that I was even outside to begin with, wondering how on earth I managed to get here again. Didn't Brian put me to bed just moments ago...?

I narrowed my eyes, looking around the seemingly deserted grounds, noting I was wearing a flowing, see through gown, very confused by this point. I wasn't wearing this....

My feet seemed to take over on their own as I was instantly moved further and further, my feet softly touching the grass below. Steam was everywhere around the pool area as my feet just walked me right to it, stopping me mid way.

And all I could do was practically fold into myself from the chill sent down my spine, the lights from the pool reflecting on the ground all around me. But I was alone. No one in sight. Not a sound to be heard. Everything seemed to be frozen in time. But me...

I finally regained myself, willing my body to move more, examining the area further, only to find nothing. My eyes went wide from the thought of even gazing into the pool, feeling frightened. But I did anyway, instantly blowing out a breath realizing that it was empty of anyone. Just the steam and the water doing a creepy little dance with one another.

But my eyes stayed locked on the pool, my reflection looking back at me with wide eyes, terror seeming to be seeped on to my face. I was going to back away before I panicked even more from another persons reflection appearing next to me. And panic was all I could do when my eyes locked with Frank's.

"You really don't know how to stay out of things do you? You may be a beauty. But that doesn't stop me." I whirled around, about to bolt, when his hands shoved me back, a scream escaping me as I fell right into the pool, bubbles going all around me from my gasps of panic, trying to swim back up.

And all I heard around me was the sound of laughter. My vision filled with the water. My nostrils burning all to hell by this point. I kept swinging my arms about just trying to resurface. But it felt like I was stuck.

"Don't struggle love! It'll all be over soon. You and your block there can rest..." My eyes went wide as another scream escaped me, water just rushing into my open mouth from the sound of Frank's voice, not understanding what was happening. I need to get out of here! But I feel like I'm stuck.

I whirled my body around to face underneath me, just hoping something could get me out of this nightmare, when I grabbed a hold of my neck from the huge intake of water that went into my mouth upon the sight. Brian.... His hair in a perfect, golden halo. And his eyes wide open, looking right back at me.

My eyes started to burn from the panic and fear and just everything I felt at this moment, wondering why this torture was put on me. But then his hand extending towards me, his open eyes just seeming to scream for me to help him.

And my eyes continued to burn from the tears now mingling with the pool water, softly grabbing his hand as I pulled and pulled, trying to swim away with him.

I flung up from the pillows with my hands wrapped tightly around my neck, taking breath after breath as my lungs felt heavier than they've ever been. Oh no. Please no! Please don't let this be happening. Why can't there be more time...? Why...?

My eyes instantly went to a sleeping Brian laying right next to me, the most peaceful I've ever seen him, his golden hair seeming to lay perfectly on the pillow beneath him. And his soft breathing making me feel lighter than air at the mere sound. I held a hand over my chest, just feeling the rapid beating of my aching heart, hoping to all hope that I still have time.

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