Chapter 26 - Foxy

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I don't think any scientific explanation could explain this traveling through time thing to me fully. It's so interesting to me how it's even possible in the first place. But you know something? I definitely don't want to take it for granted. What I've got right now is something I honestly never want to lose. Brian is something I don't want to lose. He's become this beacon of light in my usually dark world.

Before I came here, my life wasn't exactly easy. My home life was a wreck because I was moving on from my parents and they didn't like that one bit. But considering I'm now 20, it's time for me to finally get out there and live my life out. And here? I can. I can and don't get dirty glances for it. Brian makes me feel happy for once. And I just want the same for him.

I closed my eyes with a happy little smile on my lips upon hearing Brian across the room, softly strumming his guitar. I always love listening to his little soft melodies. Sometimes he'll just sit there and stare at it like its a foreign item.

It's the thing that's gotten him through so many amazing times in his life. So many concerts and sessions. But then again, it's the thing that was also there for bad times. And it reminds him it would seem. But now he's just ready to start anew. He's ready for something better. And for whatever reason, he has me playing the recorder.

"Now hold it steady on your lips love. And softly blow. Try playing a tune. Any tune you want." I gently smiled at his happy tone, seeing his beautiful eyes gazing back at me with a smile firmly planted on his lips, making me feel a bit better about actually playing anything in front of Brian.

Considering he's such a huge musical icon to me, it's pretty nerve wracking. But he's clearly just wanting to have a good time at the moment. And the first tune to pop into my mind was the melody Brian played in Ruby Tuesday. That's always been my favorite song by them. That and Lady Jane.

And as the beautiful tune of Brian's playing started in my mind, I softly started to play with my eyes closed, focusing solely on the sounds and feelings of the music flowing through me, hearing Brian's increasing strumming flowing through the air like the sweetest sound in the world.

I suddenly stopped with my eyes wider than ever, just realizing that I actually just played part of Ruby Tuesday! I instantly laughed, a happy laugh, seeing Brian's wide eyed stare of wonder, just as his strumming softly came to an end. And he jumped up from his seat with this huge smile upon his face, sitting down next to me.

"And you've never played this before Jules....? You could have fooled me! It was like listening to myself." I grinned from the proud feeling coursing through me, handing Brian the recorder with a happy smile on my face.

"I don't know where that came from. But the music just took over me. Or maybe you did there. It wouldn't surprise me Jones..." He laughed a little as he gazed at me once more, softly bringing the recorder to his lips as he softly starting to play Ruby Tuesday once more. And i gently placed my head upon his shoulder, letting the sweet sounds of Brian's playing lure me into a blissful state. 

I ran around the house in a chipper mood upon awakening, seeing Mary slightly dusting some areas around the sitting room, when my eyes landed on a tea set just gracing the beautiful table in front of the couch, making my eyes narrow.

"Mary? Did I miss something?" She whirled around with a slight look of surprise on her face, making me laugh. She always gets so into her work, that usually she won't hear you unless you just sneak.

"Oh Jules! My goodness dear. I must have been out there. But actually, it would seem Brian has some friends over today. He didn't want to wake you from your peaceful slumber." I softly smiled at her, gently patting her back. Mary certainly does so much work around here. I don't think she ever has a moments rest. But it would seem she likes keeping busy.

"I wonder who it could be..." Suddenly, Mary grinned at me, seeming to know something I don't. Oh goodness. Whoever it is, please let it be good friends.

"Well I think you might get a kick out of this guest. Mr. Hendrix is good friends with Brian it would seem." It took me almost a full minute to register what she had said, before my eyes went wide in surprise. Jimi Hendrix?? She laughed as I bolted into the kitchen, seeing Brian just causally standing there, his eyes traveling over to me with a happy, little smile on his face.

And Jimi's gaze landing on me as well. What.....? My god. It's actually Jimi Hendrix. Please don't make a fool of yourself Jules. Brian AND Jimi in the same room...? Holy cow.

"Hey... Bri." He instantly chuckled from the look on my face, before bringing me into his arms, kissing my cheek, the sweetest kiss I've ever had in my life.

"This is who I was telling you about Jimi. My beautiful Jules. Love, this is Jimi Hendrix." I looked at Jimi, just trying to grasp what's even going on, before I finally managed to smile, the smile on Jimi's face easing me some.

"You're right Brian. She is foxy. You've been making good choices man." I instantly chuckled, feeling a lot better now. Jimi really is an easy going kind of guy. So honestly, I have nothing to be nervous about. It's just the fact that he's standing right in front of me. Along with Brian as well. He was wanting to start something up musically with Jimi. It would definitely be fun.

"It's super nice to meet you Jimi. An honor really." He simply chuckled as he waved it off, bringing Brian and I into a big hug, my eyes going wide. Brian's face was mere inches from mine, causing us all to laugh at his quick kiss to my lips.

"Showing the love Brian. I like it. And she definitely is one that deserves loving." My face turned red as Brian wiggled his eyebrows, making me roll my eyes slightly.

"You two..." They both laughed, the hug just continuing like it was the most normal thing in the world. I just met Jimi. But it feels like I've known him forever. That's how easy going he is. And I kissed Brian right back, making Jimi hoot at him. Yeah, see...? I will never take this time for granted when I'm given moments like these.

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