Chapter 15 - Taunting

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"Luther, can you help me out here? What should I do...?" He simply looked up at me with his cute, little eyes, his tail wagging away as he licked right up the side of my face, making me instantly giggle. Well, he tried. There's only so much a dog can say that you can really understand. But he's adorable none the less.

I simply sighed as I laid my head down on the lawn chair overlooking the pool and other parts of this beautiful home, just lost in my own mindset. Ever since Tom and Frank had their little talk with me, Brian has been acting a little different. He stays up there in the house all the time with Anna, locked away in his big bedroom so no one can bother him.

Of course, Frank makes it worse by nudging me everytime he just happens to walk past me, sending me a mock little glum look, muttering a few words along the lines of, why so sad little girl? Brian not giving you enough attention? Awww.... I actually chucked a rock at him at one point, which was funny because it whizzed right past him and onto Mo, knocking him over from the mere shock of being hit. And I died laughing. Everyone in the entire house had to have heard me. So at least I've had that little bit of fun.

"Jules...? Are you okay? You've been sitting in that exact same spot since early this morning. And now it's almost 5." My eyes popped open upon hearing Olivia's voice break through my minds voice, smiling a tad as I lifted myself up into a cross legged position, having her sit at the end of the chair with me.

"Am i okay? I don't know. And why am I in this same spot? I don't know." She chuckled a tad as she rolled her eyes, our looks showing some awkwardness to one another, making me sigh a little as I swung my legs over to land my feet on the ground, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

I do miss this girl. She is my best friend after all. Even though we haven't exactly been talking with one another lately, I still think about running to her everytime something happens.

"Jules, I'm really, really sorry I've been such a bitch to you lately. No wonder you get so mad at me." I simply sighed as I hugged her to me, ruffling her hair as she laughed, poking me. Yeah. I've really missed her.

"It's okay Liv. Don't worry. I know it's easy to get so caught up in this place. We all have lately...." And that's so true. We've all seemed to get lost in the beauty of this place. And it seems the dark side is trying to make its appearance....

Eating in this house with so many people around the joint, it's so hard to even hear yourself think. I wanted to run to Mary's for the night and just have dinner with her and her family. But Olivia would have killed me. And i rather like living. So i guess that was out of the question. 

And speaking of, Olivia and I are on the far left side of this huge table that seems to go on forever. Brian and Anna are on the other side of us. And i just wanted to flee to be honest. It felt so odd being across from them. 

And of course, Frank and Janet decided to actually come and join us tonight, which I tried to protest. But it fell on deaf ears. So I gave up and just sat back, hoping I could make it through this without chopping someone's head off.

"So Frank. I see you staring so hardly at Anna here. You like her...?" My head instantly flew up from looking at the table, my eyes meeting Brian's as a little smirk landed on his lips. And i looked to Olivia to see that look on her face that usually appears when she wants to grab a big thing of popcorn from the drama unfolding in front of us. 

And I tried so hard not to laugh. But then Frank's eyes went wider than the world, so I hid my smile as he looked between Brian and Anna, his mouth wide open in shock. He looked so utterly confused that it was rather hilarious. 

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