Chapter 25 - Her Bags Are Packed Up Under The Bed

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If you asked me days ago what the most terrifying thing was that's ever happened to me, I wouldn't have been able to answer really. But as I'm running now, my heart beating faster than it ever has in my entire life, my little pants for breath filling the air, I can safely say this moment is the most terrifying.

"Juuuuules! Don't run you little twat. I'm not gonna hurt ya....." I ran past the pooh bear sundial that usually brings me such joy, little warm feelings, remembering all the times Brian and I have just hung out around it, lost in our own little worlds filled with endless conversations about anything and everything.

I ran further and further, reaching some tall, lovely looking trees to me right now, the perfect spot to hide. Frank Thorogood is a man that never should have been considered to ever work here. Tom is an idiot. Plain and simple. And now this asshole is chasing me like I'm some fresh meat for him to just tear apart.

Him and Tom were having a conversation earlier about Brian wanting to sack Frank and the other idiots. To which I stepped in and told Tom of my feelings on the matter. Of course since I'm just some silly little girl, they took it with a grain of salt. Well Tom did anyway.  And once he left, Frank was after me like some psycho killer.

"Listen here you little bitch! I'm done having you try to ruin a good thing for me. I've never had such a life before. And I don't even have to pay for a thing! And you see, you ruining it... it's only going to get you hurt little birdy." My eyes went wide as I ducked behind the tree, holding my hand over my mouth to keep quiet.

And the whole time I'm sitting like this, feeling more terrified than ever, I think of Brian and his beautiful face, seemingly making me feel a bit better. Don't worry. You can outrun this moron. He's so drunk right now, I could lead him to the pool and hope for the best right? Push him in and cover the bloody thing. Nail a tarp down over it. That'll do just fine!

"Now stop this stupid game you stupid girl. You can't hide from me. Why would you want to? What does Brian do for you that I can't? I can make you scream to...." I huffed from his ugly voice, feeling like vomiting all over the ground. I would never let this bugger stick his most likely little sized thing in me. No way!

My gaze moved to the side upon seeing his shadow fall next to me, holding my breath. But then finally, he went further and further out into the wooded area, sending a smile to my face. And the only thing I could do was run. I ran and ran, faster and faster until I finally reached the house after what felt like ages of running endlessly through a hellish maze, flinging the doors open with all my might. And practically falling to the ground from my suddenly weak knees.

"Oh my goodness. Jules! What's happened dear??" A little gasp escaped me from Mary's voice in my ears, making me chuckle slightly from my jumpiness. She softly helped me up off the ground, a worried look crossing her face as she looked to the stairs, seeing Brian running down himself.

"What's going.... Jules?? Love.." He suddenly ran even faster down the rest of the stairs, softly grabbing a hold of me as my mouth kept moving up and down, trying so hard to say something to Brian. But my voice felt gone. His hands gently landed on my cheeks, his palms feeling so warm on my oddly cold skin, his blue eyes searching mine with a questioning look in them.

"I.... Frank. He tried... to hurt me. He chased me through the entire grounds it would seem. I finally.... made it back." Brian's eyes suddenly went wide from my muffled voice, oddly still for a second. Before he screamed so loud it made me jump, knocking over a lamp on the side table next to his usual chair. All I registered was his hand suddenly launching towards the lamp, and the shattering of luckily, only the bulb. That lamp must be made of steel.

"That's fucking it! I'm done. I've let him stay here much longer than I ever should have. And now he's going after you. I won't stand for it! He won't hurt you..." His eyes traveled from the fallen lamp to my distraught face, looking terribly sorry for even having had the outburst. But I gently wrapped my arms around his tense shoulders, clinging to him for dear life, my eyes watering a tad.

"I'm not worried about me Brian. I'm worried about you...." His arms gently went around me in a tight embrace, his head softly resting a top mine.

"I'll be alright love." A tear softly ran down my face from his so certain words, just as Mary's face appeared in my vision, a look of concern crossing her face, possibly feeling the same way I am. What on earth am I going to do? The longer time goes on, the crazier it seems to get. And all the while, everyone is going mad. I think even I am... 

Sleeping last night was the hardest thing in the world for me to do. I was all alone, my eyes stuck on that door like glue. Brian checked in several times during the night, seeming to know i wouldn't be asleep after all.

"Jules? Do you have a moment?" Anna suddenly appeared in my vision, shaking me from my thoughts as she sat right next to me, a look of... I don't even know what on her face. She looked a bit relaxed. But at the same time tense. No smile on her face like usual. Just... blank.

"Sure. What's wrong?" She sighed a little, seeming to sink into her chair into nothingness, lost for words at whatever she was thinking. Which only made me nervous.

"Brian. You. He.... he really, really likes you Jules. But then again, why shouldn't he? You do treat him like no one else."n My eyes went wide as I almost spilled my coffee all over the table, not really expecting this conversation to ever happen. She seemed so lost in her own things, I figured she'd never notice a thing.

"Well Anna. You're a sweet girl. And Brian does adore you." She finally seemed to crack a smile, making me smile a tad. She really isn't all that bad. I don't really desire to be friends with her though. But it's not like she's really trouble or anything. I just don't think her heart is truly in this with Brian.

"I'm going back to London. Tonight in fact. And... I just wanted to say this. Make sure Brian stays safe. Make sure he knows he's loved. And don't leave him. I've done enough of that..." My eyes went wide as I finally noted her bag over her shoulder, her usual one for when she does leave on trips. Usually to return. But this time? It would seem she's not. And surprisingly, she suddenly stood from her seat with a little sad smile on her face, before wrapping her arms around me in a big hug.

"You really are a bright gem Jules. I've never been able to bring myself to hate you. Believe me, I've tried." We both suddenly lost it with laughter, her softly unwrapping from me as we both just grinned, seeming to finally come to an understand on everything.

"You really are a sweet person Anna. It's really nice to have met you actually." She smiled a little more at me, before leaving the kitchen to head for upstairs it would seem, leaving me alone yet again with my thoughts. Well that just happened. And it went better than I ever could have dreamed of. Now where shall time bring us all next....?

Stoned on Jones {A Brian Jones Story}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin