Chapter 23 - Lets Spend The Weekend Together

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"Jules....? Jules! Love?" I shook my head in surprise at Brian's usual deep voice, my eyes going wide once open upon realizing .... I'm back at Cotchford. What is going on?? My eyes met Brian's blue ones, seeing the little warm smile on his lips I've grown used to. And the light of happiness within him.

"You'll never believe who's coming to spend the weekend with me!" Brian practically jumped onto the bed with this huge smile upon his face, making me chuckle from his boyish excitement, his eyes never leaving mine as he softly took my hands in his.

"Who Brian? Who??" His cute laughter filled the room as he did everything but jump up and down, making me feel happy. Seeing him this excited about something is really a refreshing thing.

"My parents! Well.... I kind of wanted them to come down right away. But with the traveling being a bit of a distance, the weekend was the closest thing they could do. But Jules, I can finally reconnect with them. I want to badly." I grinned at him, just seeing the awaiting look upon his face. I know him and his parents really haven't seen eye to eye for most of Brian's life. But he always loved them.

And with his life having been changed so much, he's ready for new things. Which means, seeing his parents more. His parents had come to stay the weekend with him just three weeks before Brian had passed away. And it was a nice little visit. They all had a good time. So hopefully, this will go good.

"That's wonderful Bri! They're just going to adore the farm. And of course, enjoy spending time with their beautiful baby boy." Brian's hands tangled with mine and the smile upon his face just seemed to make my heart race faster and faster. Seeing him this happy always makes me feel lighter than air. He needs this. He needs this badly.

He looked up at me with this look upon his face, one I've really never seen before. A smile of course still showing. But his eyes seemed to hold so many stories he was currently reliving in his mind.

"When I was younger, they could be so very strict with me. Of course I never made it easy for them. But... I didn't want to be the sweet, little boy that became a perfect pianist. I wanted the blues. It attracted me very early on." His eyes stayed locked with mine the entire time he talked, never breaking his form. And I simply sat there with my hands firmly locked in his, listening. I could listen to him talk for ages.

Thinking of young Brian really brought back just seeing him as a baby. It was so very strange for me. But a very good experience none the less. He was the most adorable baby I've ever encountered. And very, very sweet. And looking at Brian now, all grown up and just as beautiful as always, it's amazing. I'm going through this journey into Brian's life.

The chaotic parts. The amazing parts. The sad parts. The angry parts. Eventually, I will most likely witness them first hand. But i want to. I just want to know Brian even more so than I already do. He's this fascinating being to me.

"Well of course. You've always loved Elmore James. And let's face it. You're amazing at playing the blues. Considering that those magical hands of yours can pick up anything you desire and be able to play it. It's amazing!" Brian's eyes went wide from my sudden outburst of happiness, his smile seeming to grow even bigger as his grip on my hands softened, his thumbs gently going back and fourth on my hands, relaxing me even further. I noted he was already fully dressed in one of his usually fashionable outfits, noting also that it was only 8 in the morning.

"Brian? What time did you talk to them? Please don't tell me you woke them from their slumber." He gently laughed as he pulled me up off the bed along with him, seeing he had his boots on and everything, making me laugh as well. He really is ready.

Stoned on Jones {A Brian Jones Story}Where stories live. Discover now