Chapter 34 - Saying Goodbye

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Saying goodbye to someone you love, is truly the hardest thing you'll ever have to face in your life. Nothing ever prepares you for it. And no words can make it all better. That's how I was feeling at this moment. And as my eyes were closed, completely shadowed in darkness, feeling as if I was swaying to the rhythm of my sounds music, I slowly opened my eyes to see water all around me, the light emanating from below startling me half to death.

I looked around and saw no one underwater with me and panic set in as I practically jumped to the surface, taking in the worlds biggest breath upon resurfacing. I looked all around to see that I was still on Cotchford grounds. But everything looked so.... different.

Like it hadn't been touched in years. Like the first time Olivia and I had shown up here the day it all began. The day I met Brian for the first time. My eyes went wide as I made my way out of the pool, looking all around the yard and didn't exactly know how to handle it.

What is happening now...? And as I felt my heart beat making soft music in the silent air, Olivia suddenly appeared from within the pool, scaring me so bad I about fell right back in from the sudden sight of her.

"Liv! Oh my gosh, what is going on??" I grabbed her hands as I helped her from the pool, her scared eyes searching mine, feeling just as confused as she looked.

"I don't know! I was at the house. And I remember dozing off. I remember our conversation before hand about Brian and what happened. And then... I awoke in the pool!" So it's not just me.... I'm not dreaming. This is real. Did we.... come back to our time? Was it really over? That thought alone made me feel terrible in the pit of my stomach.

Brian was truly gone. And there was no way I could have ever saved him. I did everything I could think of to actually make it happen. But nothing worked. It's like time didn't want me to change the events that happened. And I didn't want to accept it.

Brian meant everything to me. I didn't want to let him go. I didn't want him to think I didn't care like the rest made him feel. I wanted to do something right by him by giving him the chance he so rightfully deserved.

And I failed. I failed him so badly. And the letter he left me. He knew all along that I was there for him in key moments of his life. Even when I didn't know it, I was. It's so magical to even think about the things that have happened here that I never thought was scientifically possible.

Time travel. And I did some extreme time travel. I went to so many different points in Brian's life and it can't be explained. This pool is like a portal to his world. But am I back because I did something right? I'll never know I feel.

Olivia gazed at me with her big green doe eyes, seeming to read my mind as she threw her arms around me, our arms tightening around each other. Olivia and I lost so much of our connection in those times. And I hate that. She's my best friend and I never meant for that to happen with us.

And then I remembered.... she was pregnant! And as I looked down at her stomach, the bump was gone. And my heart felt horrible for her. But I just knew it wouldn't matter. Once we came back, it wouldn't work. The baby would be gone.

But Olivia seemed relieved from the sight. Like it was all just a dream. Maybe that's for the best. It's not the poor babies fault. But she would be alone in this much later time with some assholes baby. Although I would have helped her. But I know it would have been so hard on her.

"Liv.... was it all just a dream?" She eyed me with a little smile, suddenly laughing from most likely all the memories. And I just knew it couldn't be a dream.

"No way! Everything that happened felt too real. I know it sounds nuts. But we both were there. Here! At this house. And we talked to everyone. Brian was clear as day and Mary. And..... and Frank and Tom. The rest of the idiots."

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