Chapter 29 - The Blonde Devil

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At this point in time on the journey I've been on for what seems like ages now, I've never felt so high. Everything is going from this to that. It's all changing. And I don't understand how it's happening. One minute, people are here at Cotchford like any ole normal day. And then the next, everyone is just gone, like they never even came here.

And last night was something that terrified the life out of me. Frank nearly drowned me. But proceeded to claim he was only joking and just wanting to see my reaction. He got right out behind me and hit my back several times to knock the water from my lunges because honestly, I panicked so much that I barely got myself out of the pool. But his smirk never wavered.

He simply stood there laughing like the devil himself, loving that I was choking to death. All I could do was glare at him, the pounding in my head telling me that I should just leave it be and run from him before he decided to do anything else. But something was going terribly wrong. Or right. I don't know anymore!

Brian did end up coming back out of the house because he was wondering what had happened to me and why i took forever. Thankfully he got his inhaler in time and was perfectly fine. And acting like his normal self. But then I awoke this morning and let me tell you something. I'm not at Cotchford anymore! I'm currently in a hotel room with no idea of how it's even happening.

Random clothing is littered all over the floor, crumbled up like the night had been a crazy one. And a naked, sleeping Brian was underneath me with his usual cocky smile in place. But this is the Brian that was forever having random women over. But then again, look at him. It's no wonder he had all these girls chasing him.

But I still don't get how I'm here! I was in Cotchford when I went to sleep. It's like when I ended up in Brian's childhood home. Time keeps jumping on me. It's like I'm going through Brian's life and it's just not being explained to me. Something is going wrong. Or right, like I said. But I'm so confused about the whole manner. Is there something I'm missing?

"Well good morning love. Last night was quite fun. But I'm sorry I don't remember your name..." His soft laughter filled the room, his dazed looking eyes gazing up at me suddenly, dragging me away from my thoughts. Oh lord. Rolling Stone Brian. Well he certainly won't hurt my feelings.

"That's alright. I kind of forgot yours as well.." His wide eyed look caused me to laugh as I pushed up off his naked chest, softly pulling a random sheet laying on the bed over my cold, naked body, standing from the bed to see all sorts of stuff on the floor and tables. Drugs of course are on the stand by Brian. And a bottle of wine by mine. Well it's safe to say we both did drugs because I feel totally wasted. And dazed. And loony. So loony....

"You honestly don't know my name?" I hid a smile as I softly turned to gaze back at him, pulling the sheet further up to cover my boobs from his wondering eyes, his little smirk making me feel kinda special. Well at least Brian in the sorta past finds me attractive as well.

"Aren't you Mick Jones from the Rolling Rocks?" I put on my best straight face, trying so hard not to laugh from Brian's reaction, before I couldn't hold it in any longer and lost it in uncontrollable laughter. And he simply shook his head, a grin coming to his lips, softly rising from the bed himself, not even caring about being naked at all, strolling over to me, when he pushed me back down on the bed with a thud sound filling the room, his sudden movements surprising me as his hands trapped mine above my head. And I swear my heart stopped from the closeness. And he was doing something to my body only he could possibly do.

"I'm Brian Jones love. And it's The Rolling Stones. You know, I'm the blonde devil everyone talks about that does drugs and drinks like a fish. The one that everyone finds incredibly attractive and wants to fuck...." His cocky smirk came right back to his lips, my eyes widening slightly from his sudden speech that he clearly was prepared for, making a little smile come to my lips. And his hard on was felt through the sheet, only causing me to smile even more so.

"Hmmm, well I knew you were a stone somehow. Are you sure you aren't Charlie Richards...?" I couldn't help but do another joke, seeing his humored look come on in full force, before he suddenly jerked the sheet off my body, the cold air of the small room tickling my body, when he slowly straddled me, suddenly slapping my boobs so hard I jerked like a fish out of water, a gasp leaving my mouth.

"Oh so very funny love. Watch yourself or I might just handcuff you to this bed and whip you one. You know, since I'm a devil..." I rolled my eyes, when he finally jumped up from my body, but not before planting a random kiss on my lips, his kiss taking my breath away as my eyes closed from the mere sensation.

"Oh, and the door is just that way. Don't forget your clothes. I sure did have a good one with you last night. You're something love..." My eyes went wide as I jerked up off the bed from his words, seeing his humored smile still in place, throwing a shoe at him. But a laugh escaped me as he ducked, his eyes going wide from my sudden move.

"Well Mr. Watts, you sir are a heart breaker. And here I thought I was falling for you." I mocked a serious tone, making him mock cringe from the mere thought of love, actually humoring me.

"If you call me something I'm not one more time, I'm throwing you out the window." I died laughing from his little foot stomp he did, practically falling to the floor as he laughed as well, making me lean back against the bed. Maybe this will be fun.

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