Chapter 20 - Just Heed This Plee My Love

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For the life of me, i don't even know where to begin on my thought process right now. First off, Keith shows up and acts as if nothing much has happened in the past month.

Frank and Tom have somehow vanished from the house all together. Even Brian hasn't seen them all day. Or Mary. Which she's thankful for actually. She almost wanted to throw a party, if she was the partying type that is.

Even Janet hasn't been around that much. Which is pretty sad to me considering she's actually a nice girl. We get along great. And there's never been a problem with her what so ever.

And Olivia? Well, she seems to have disappeared right along with the lot of them. I haven't heard from her once today. And usually she stops by my room in the mornings before running off into la la land. But nothing.

I was greeted with Keith Richards face mere minutes upon awakening. Which is every odd to even say. And Brian, well Brian has been in the most incredible mood. He's been smiling ever since Keith left. He's joked around with Mary, even pulled a couple pranks on her.

Which was funny because I thought the second time, she was going to hit Brian, she was so mad. But all the while, Brian stood back and laughed his little ass off, grinning in amusement from his little grand plans.

And now night has fallen once again over Cotchford, the moon shining down on us with its spotlight brightness, just like every night here in this magical place.

Brian convinced me to come sit with him out by the pool, which at first I objected to several times. But he got that little look on his face that screamed, I know you'll do whatever i tell you, because you simply can't say no to me love. And he uses that against me, the little bugger.

So finally I just gave in, which made a big, bright smile come to his beautiful face, causing him to practically throw me over his shoulder and take off running the entire way.

I laughed and laughed, all the while, Brian was chuckling, when he had finally stopped and smacked my ass so hard, I thought I was going to fall right off his shoulder from my jumping.

So here we are in the now, me hanging over a very amused Brian, when his hand came to rest on my butt like it was the most casual thing in the entire world, making me gasp.

"Brian Jones! You dirty, dirty boy. What has the rock star lifestyle taught you??" His laugh rung out around us as he slowly, but surely, slid me down his firm body may I add, his arms coming to rest around my waist the entire way. And I thought I was on fire from how red my cheeks must have been by now.

I finally landed on my feet as I was met with his intense blue eyes, just staring back at me with this searching look, before he chuckled.

"It taught me many things. Like orgies. Now that's really just something love. Take LSD before hand and you'll be on a journey into the strangest world you could ever dream of." My eyes went wide as a little smile crept on to my lips of the thought of Brian in the middle of two or three girls, just begging to stick it in them. And I died laughing, just seeing these desperate women crowded all around him, seeing that cocky smile of his plastered on his face.

"Well Bri, I guess you had some crazy moments. I can only imagine women all over the world wanting you. Considering you're the most attractive Stone." Brian simply grinned at me, his arms slowly coming off of me, my smile still remaining. And of course, he pulled me towards a table nearby the pool, the chairs already sitting out for us, making me smile. He's clearly had this planned out and got some help setting this little thing up.

"Now love, seeing as this is such a beautiful night, I thought, why not bring an even more beautiful woman out here with me to enjoy a drink." I shook my head with a smile as he lead me to a chair, gently sitting me down, his intense gaze looking down at me with that little smile of his lighting up his face.

Stoned on Jones {A Brian Jones Story}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon