Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Oh....him," Miyako whispered.

"He ruined everything," I growled.

"He ruined everything for everyone," Miyako whispered

I looked at her not with my eyes though they were planted firmly at the ground "He hurt you... didn't he?" I whispered.

"Yeah but I won't get into that now," she whispered.

Honestly that guy I hate so much. I can not thank Koneko enough for killing him and I hope it was the most painful thing for him. However no one can make him feel as much pain as he caused all of the people of the Hotel.

"Ok I'll tell the rest of my story then.After my family died I had no idea what to do.... I tried joining the vampire slayers but I didn't stay with them long, I couldn't stand being around them. it reminded me of my family. So I came to the hotel. Koneko was so happy to see me and took me in with open arms." I smiled to myself "Automatically she invited me into her close friendship group. She took me in when I had nowhere else to go .... she saved my life and for that I can never repay her."

"Everyone owes her in a way," Miyako muttered.

"Devil doesn't, she saved Koneko and pretty much was Koneko's role model when she was growing up, that why they are both so alike."

"She's so down close with everyone isn't she..."

I sensed jealousy of Koneko in her voice. I didn't want her to be jealous of Koneko even though she had every reason to.

"Not really with Kara and Xavier but yeah, she has lived with us for a long time and been our leader, we kind of have to trust her," I explained.

"I guess so..." Miyako said bitterly.

"So do you understand me a bit better now?" I asked moving a little closer to her slender frame.

"Yeah, I do. Hey, just out of curiosity, how much do you know about my backstory?" She looked up at me, noticing my movement.

"Not really that much, I know that Koneko knows but she's kept it a secret."

"What do you know?"

I thought about it..... I really know nothing. Koneko hadn't have given me the slightest of hints there was only one thing "I know Itsuki was involved in your past."

"That's all," she asked with an incredulous note.

"Yeah pretty much," I felt kind of embarrassed for knowing close to nothing about this girl however being so fond of her.

"So she kept it from you, that's good of her.... my past is kinda complicated. Not even Koneko knows everything," she explained.

"Yeah you should feel lucky Koneko sucks at keeping secrets," I told her.

She might have nodded in agreement or something but she slithered under the blankets and pulled them over her head. I looked at her, or rather the shape of her body under the blankets "What are you doing?"

"I'm cold," she clearly lied. No vampire can be cold around me, I'm a vampire slayer vampires feel heat from just being close to me. So there must be a reason for her being under there. She might be hiding something. It's not really my place to find out so I'll just go along with it.

"Ok..." I muttered.

"What do you want me to be cold or something?"

"No it's just kind of weird talking to a blanket."

"Fine," she grunted, sat up and the blanket fell off her revealing her adorable face, I quickly looked away.

There was a long awkward silence. I had no idea what to say to her. What was I going to say? I want to kiss you? I don't think so I need a topic less..... romantic? Ugh I don't know.

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