Meeting Babyface

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I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life well except my mother she is beautiful but short lol So this is the person behind that beautiful voice I heard wow beauty and a great singing voice.


Omg it's Babyface!!!! I'm trying my best to not show how star struck I am he's so handsome. Hey what up Face says Chris this is the girl I was telling you about her name is Toni Braxton, Hi Toni it's nice to meet you I'm Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds  shaking my hand. His hands are so soft, Welcome to Laface Records I have heard so much about you including hearing your wonderful voice on this demo Babyface said Thank you, I love Anita Baker she's the reason why I sing she's amazing I said

Well what would you say if I said I wanted to sign you to Laface Records? Babyface asked It seems like in that moment it felt I was dreaming I couldn't believe what he was asking me Toni did you hear me? Babyface asked Chris squeezed my hand to snap me back into reality Yes! I said What? Babyface said I said I would say Yes! to signing with you Mr Edmonds I said Please call me Babyface he said Well Thank You Babyface

As he hugged me I'm smelled his cologne he smelled so good as I smiled at him he gave me this look and smile that was like you would imagine a celebrity would look. As he was talking to Chris about my contract all I could do is admire his style and his warm sprit. I signed my contract  After they finished talking Chris and I left his office we got on the elevator I couldn't contain my self any longer I screamed and hugged Chris thanking him for getting me this far.

I really like Toni she so sweet and has a warm sprit when I hugged her she had this sweet perfume on that collides with her personality she doesn't know it yet but I'm going to make her a big superstar and One day Mrs Edmonds.

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