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Every morning I wake up I take a moment to look at how beautiful Toni is she is truly a angel on earth. We got so many warm wishes on our engagement from our family friends and fans.Today our manager is going to talks to us about a tour.

Toni wakes up

Good Morning Love,Toni says looking into Babyface eyes. Good Morning Baby Babyface says giving Toni a kiss. What are we going to do today? Toni asked. Well first I'm going to cook my fiancé some breakfast then we have a meeting with Chris and Eric about the Tour,Babyface says. Ok do you want to do the tour before or after we get married? Toni asked. I want to do the tour before we get married because I'm gonna want you all to my self after the wedding,Babyface says. Trust me you will and then some Mr Edmonds,Toni says.

Toni and Babyface go downstairs to make breakfast,they take a shower together and get dressed to head to the meeting at 10am

They arrive at Laface Records to talk to Chris and Eric

Hey Toni and Face,Chris and Eric says. So let's head to my office to talk about our tour. So we were thinking we could start here in the US and then do a few in South Africa then Europe how does that sound? Eric asked. That sounds good, what do you think?Toni, Babyface asked. I agree it sounds good I just have one request and that's I have my sisters as the background singers and some dancers,Toni said. Ok no problem Chris and Eric say. So when do we start?,Babyface asked. You start April 22nd in Miami,Fl ending in August 22nd here in Atlanta. Chris says. Ok great we will talk to you guys soon.

Toni calls her sisters to tell them about the tour. And Babyface and Toni sends out Twitter and Facebook post for auditions for back up dancers.

A few weeks pass and they fly to Miami for their first tour.

Toni and Babyface meet all the band members and dancers for the tour.

They check into their hotel suite along with Toni sisters.

This is going to be fun Ken all of us here like a family reunion,Toni says. Yea I love when we get together Traci keep me laughing,Babyface says. How long do we have until show time?Babyface asked 4hrs why? Toni asked. Because I want to have some alone time with you ( kissing Toni) before we start,Babyface says Ken stop we are going to be late for our own show we don't have that kind of time,Toni says.

Toni backs away from Babyface embrace.

Well you better be ready for me when we get back here Toni Edmonds ( smacking her in her butt) as she walks to the shower.

Toni and Babyface get ready for the show doing make up and hair.

Toni and Babyface start with " Give U My Heart" then their other hit songs.

Babyface: I would like to take the time to say how much I enjoy working with someone who I have seen grow in the music industry becoming an amazing woman. Someone I love very much my fiancé Toni Braxton!

Toni comes over to Babyface and hugs him as he is hugging her he can't help to notice one of the background dancers staring at him she gives him a wink and smile.

Toni: I would also like the say without this man right here I wouldn't be who I'am today I love my Babyface y'all he's my everything and I can't wait to be Mrs Edmonds soon.

Fans cheer! Babyface: Thank you guys we love you!

They walk off stage holding hands.

They go back to the hotel to celebrate with everyone kicking off their first tour they quietly leave the party going to their room making love until the sun comes up. 

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