
457 23 22

9 months


I'am officially 9 months my little girl is due any day now Ken has been working non stop lately so Keri has been here to help me if I need anything mommy will be here later to day to help as well.

As Toni is in the bed watching a Lifetime movie Keri knocks on her door, sitting on her bed

Keri: Hey how are you feeling?

Toni: I'm feeling like Shamu,I'm not doing this again I can't sleep, I can't eat without having heartburn,I'm going to the bathroom every 5 minutes I'm ready for her to be here!

Keri: First you do not look like a whale( laughing) you look beautiful and I hear that if you have heart burn your baby is going to have a head full of hair so relax and enjoy the movie matter of fact I will go make you some popcorn with salt and caramel just the way you like it.

Toni: Thanks I would love that, and bring me a hot dog with cheese and ketchup and orange soda.

Keri: ( laughing) how about the whole refrigerator

Toni: (laughing) that would be great

Keri is getting everything Toni is asked for

30min pass Keri returns to find Toni asleep he places the food tray on the bed, he starts to rubs her feet to wake her up

Toni:Mmm that feels nice, thank you for the food

Keri: You are welcome sweetness

Toni beginnings to eat

Toni: Keri this is so good you want a bite

Keri: I will take some popcorn

As Toni and Keri enjoy the food and movie the door bell rings, Keri goes to answer the door.

Opening the door

Ms E: Hey is Toni here?( with a stern look)

Keri: Yes Ma'am she's up stairs in her room

Ms E goes upstairs to Toni and Babyface room

Ms E: Hey You, How is my little girl doing?

Toni: (hugging) Hey Mommy I'm ready to have her already

Ms E: Shes coming just be patient, Toni I don't like Keri being here with you while Kenny is at work

Toni: Mommy that's his job, remember what happen at my wedding?

Ms E: Yes I remember, I'm just saying I don't like him, I'm gonna talk to Kenny about this.

Toni: Mommy he's fine and Ken already knows he's the one that hired him (ouch!)

Ms E: What's wrong baby?

Toni:I'm just having some contractions I will be fine.

Ms E:No no you are not Toni let's get you to the hospital

Toni gets out of bed to get dressed

Toni: Keri! (Yelling)

Keri: Yes To- Mrs Edmonds?

Toni: Can you help me downstairs I'm going into labor I need to get to the hospital

Keri:Sure (picking her up) Just breathe like we did in class that day and you will be fine (smiling at her)

Ms E: Toni where is your bags?

Toni: Down here in the closet

Keri helps Toni in the car, Ms E locks up the house.

Driving to the hospital

Keri: Toni hold my hand if you need to I got you.

Ms E: Toni you need to call Kenny

Toni: I will when we get to the hospital

Keri: Don't worry I will call him, just concentrate on you and the baby

Toni: Thanks I'm glad you are here( grabbing his hand)Ahhh! hurry this hurts

Ms E: Baby just hold tight we will be there soon

Toni: Keri remember when we went to class and you fainted when they showed the video(smiling)

Ms E: Why wasn't Kenny with you baby?

Toni: He was working on The Waiting to Exhale Soundtrack so he asked Keri to be with me instead.

Ms E: Keri do you have a girlfriend or Wife?

Keri: No Ma'am I'm too focus on my career right now.

Ms E: Well I think I have someone in mind you could go on a date with

Keri: Ok I would love to meet her

They arrive at the Hospital

Keri calls Babyface to let him know Toni is in labor. Ms E and Keri stay with Toni until Babyface arrives

Babyface arrives at the hospital

Receptionist: Hi may I hel- Omg you're Babyface!!!

Babyface: (smiling) Hi yes I'm looking for my wife Toni Edmonds

Receptionist: She's in room 423 in Labor & Delivery on the 3rd floor but before you go can I take a selfie with you?

Babyface: Thank you,and sure anything to make a fan day

Receptionist: Thank you so much Mr Babyface Sir

Babyface makes it to Toni room finding Keri holding Toni's hand and Ms E holding the other hand praying for a safe and healthy delivery.

Everyone: Amen

Toni looks up to see Babyface standing there

Toni: Hey baby ( slow breathing) Keri has been helping me remain peaceful ( still holding Keri hand)

Ms E: Hey Son ( hugging him)

Babyface:Hey mom it's good to see you

Keri: Hey man I was helping her til you got here now I can wait outside

No!,Someone yelled

Who yelled No!?

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