I Do!

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The Wedding

August 9th


Today I'm marrying my best friend I'm so happy Ken has been the perfect he has helped me grow as a woman and I can already tell he's going to be the perfect father from the way he is with his niece and nephews. Although I'm a little nervous, I still haven't told Ken about what happen between me and Keri and he never will far as I know. My sisters don't know either.

Tamar: Toni who is the guy at the door?

Toni:That's my bodyguard Keri

Tamar: Whet? He is Yummy looking

Toni: ( smiling) you think so?

Tamar: Yea,but anyway let's get you outside into the back yard the others are waiting including Kenny

Toni:Ok well let me finish my make up and I will be ready

Tamar:Ok I will help you down in 30 minutes

As Toni was finishing up she could feel someone watching her

Keri: You look beautiful

Toni: Thank you I'm ready to go down stairs but I'm waiting for Tamar

Keri: It's ok I can help you

Toni: Ok let's go

Keri and Toni walk arm and arm downstairs
Her sisters and mother are waiting at the bottom Ms E gives him a not so nice look

Ms E: Toni who is this?

Toni: Mom you remember Keri my bodyguard

Ms E: Yea I remember now,I don't like him

Toni: Momma!

Ms E: Toni it's something about him that says he's up to something

Toni:I trust him

Ms E: Ok baby lets get you to your father so you can marry Kenny

Toni walks arm and arm with Mr Braxton down the aisle

Mr Braxron: You look beautiful, you let me know if he doesn't treat you right

Toni: ( laughing) You will be the first I call cause mommy is crazy

Mr Braxton: ( laughing) And You know it


Toni looks like a beautiful angel she's glowing from head to toe. She's going to love what I'm going to do for our vows.

Pastor: Ladies and Gentlemen we are gathered here today to join together this man and woman, Who gives this woman away?

Mr Braxton: I Do

Toni joins arms with Babyface

Pastor: Let us pray

As they are praying Toni looks up to see Keri smiling at her, Then a strange look on his face Toni turns her head to see what he's looking at....

Toni: Nicole!

Everyone turns around to see a woman standing there pregnant

Toni: Security! Get this ho off my property! Sorry mommy

Nicole: ( yelling) he didn't tell you? I'm pregnant with his baby!

Toni turns to look at Babyface

Toni: Ken is this true?

Babyface: No! Matter of fact He'll No! After what happen last time? I wouldn't do that to you tone

Nicole: You will see when the DNA comes back it's his!

Toni: It's not now leave!

They escort her off the property

Pastor: Now can we continue,Kenny you say you have something special for Toni

Babyface: yes I would like to sing my vows to Toni

Babyface holding Toni hand, Babyface starts singing

Girl, it's been a long, long time comin'
But I, I know that it's been worth the wait
It feels like springtime in winter
It feels like Christmas in June
It feels like heaven has opened up it's gates for me and you

And every time I close my eyes
I thank the lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself 'cause
I don't believe it's true
That someone like you
Loves me too

Girl, I think that you're truly somethin'
And you're, you're every bit of a dream come true
With you baby, it never rains and it's no wonder
The sun always shines when I'm near you
It's just a blessing that I have found somebody like you


To think of all the nights
I've cried myself to sleep
You really oughtta know
How much you mean to me
It's only right that you be in my life right here with me
Oh baby, baby

Tone I love you with all my heart forever and always

Toni at this point is crying

Toni: That's beautiful what I'm I going to say to top that? ( everyone laughs)

Babyface: Just speak from your heart ( whipping her tears away)

Toni: Ok

I love you, Kenny and I know that you love me. Because of this I desire to be your wife. For 12 years I have prayed that God would lead me to His choice and I am confident that His will is being fulfilled today. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future. You mean everything to me and our daughter is going to be lucky to have you as her father. Forever and always I love you

Exchange of rings

Pastor:with that being said are there any objections to this marriage?

Toni looked slightly over at Keri praying he wasn't going to say anything

Pastor: Good no one objects what God has join together let no man separate you by any means,Kenny you may Kiss Toni

Babyface and Toni kiss forgetting they were in front of their family.

Pastor: I now introduce to you Mr & Mrs Edmonds ( everyone claps)

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