Hurt You

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What have I done I never thought that I would cheat on Kenny it's been A month and I haven't heard anything but a text or two checking on Peyton.Kerri has moved on to another job but we remained friends and that's it. Peyton is 5months today she's looking more and more like Kenny and I she keeps me going


It's been A month since I spoke with Toni I make sure I check on Pey she's my world it's gonna take a lot to get our marriage back to just me and her. Chanté and I are working on a new album after the success of her first on she sold 1million copies. I moved into a condo a hour away from Toni. Tonight I'm having dinner with Chanté to discuss the next song.

Babyface meets up with Chanté at Morco's

Media take pictures

Babyface: Hey Chanté (hugging her)so how are you liking the fame of the world ?

Chanté: I'm loving it's everything I have ever dreamed of,thank you

Babyface: You deserve it

Chanté: How have you been? You look down what's wrong?

Babyface:I have been ok but there is something I need to tell you but we can talk about it later.

Chanté: Ok we can go to my place to talk because there is something I need to tell you too

Babyface: Ok so the next album we want you to talk about how you feel about a guy when you are in love.

Chanté : Ok I can do that I can make it very intimate

Babyface: Ok the song I've written "I'm What You Need"

Chanté:Ok that sounds good let me see the lyrics

Babyface showed Chanté the lyrics and then they ordered dinner and talked more about the song

Babyface: You can come in Tomorrow to record.

Chanté: Yes let's do it.

Babyface: Dinner was good how about we get out of here

As Babyface and Chanté were leaving the cameras were flashing Babyface was holding Chanté hand walking to his car

At Chantés Place

Chanté:So Kenny what did you want to talk to me about?

Babyface: When I can home from our trip in California me and Toni got into a huge fight and I moved out temporarily

Chanté: I'm so sorry Kenny what happen if you don't mind me asking

Babyface: Thanks but I caught Toni cheating on me with Keri

Chanté:I'm not surprised,I mean Kerri always looked at her a certain way like he liked her or something,How did you find out?

Babyface:When I came home she had changed the bed and I found a bottle of KY Massaging oil in the trash can

(No I'm not telling her about the cameras)

Chanté : Wow the whole room they must have broke the bed

Babyface: Yea that was a $10,000 bed she replaced

Chante: How is Peyton?

Babyface: She's doing good Toni and I still talk through text and she sends me pictures of her she's teething too so she has her hands full.

Chanté:What are you going to do?

Babyface: Right now we are giving each other space right one day we will talk but right now I just need some alone time to focus on work with you to get your next album to the top.

Chanté: Are you thinking about The D Word?

Babyface: No Divorce is not a opinion for us after what Toni has seen happen with her parents we made a secret vow no matter what happen between us we would always gonna work it out  

Chanté: Well If you need me I'm right he's and (sings) It's gonna be Alright (hugs him)

Babyface laughs

Babyface:Oh what were you going to talk to me about?

Chanté: Oh it was about Keri, We went out on that movie date but decided to just be friends, I decided I wanted to just focus on my career right now and maybe find love later.

Babyface:Well you are a attractive woman and I'm sure when he comes along you are going to be so in love you are going to sing about him

Chanté:Thanks Kenny,Umm Kenny there is something else I need to tell you

Babyface: Ok What is it?



As I'm rocking Peyton to sleep my phone is going off with Twitter alerts and Instagram post,What is going on? I'm sure it's just my Tonitigers missing me and want me to bless them with a Pic. As I'm putting Peyton in the bed with me i finally look at my phone I can't believe what I'm seeing.

It's a picture of Babyface and Chanté in L.A. Kissing in their car on Rodéo Drive.

(Crying) Omg Ken why? Why Ken?

The Headline Reads

Babyface cheats on wife Toni, Is it the end of Toniface? Oh no The D Word !

What will Chanté tell Babyface?

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