As We Never Met

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It's been a few months since the "family vacation" I have been trying to get Kenny to work on another album but he has been busy with other artist including Chanté.
Things have changed between us we don't spend much time together as we need to but Kenny says he will find the time soon.


Toni is a good woman I miss her and Peyton but with me working so much we don't have much time together as it should be. I have been spending more time with Chanté working with her on her new album


Chanté: Kenny I think this is a good song to express to women all men are not bad you can have a good man at home

Babyface: Yes there are still good men out there you just have to be patient

Chanté : And when you find that perfect guy you never let them go right?

Babyface: Yes that's right,but he has to be your best friend first and he loves you unconditionally

Chanté : (smiling) So when did you know you were in love?

Babyface:When I couldn't stop thinking about her and the way her perfume smell when she walked by,her smile,the way she laughed or how feisty she would get at the littlest thing.(laughing) And most of all how beautiful she looked

Chanté: That was beautifully described (tearing up) Toni is very lucky to have you

Babyface: Umm are you ok Chanté?

Chanté: Yea I'm just thinking about how I've always wanted a guy to think of me like that instead of just a woman with a sexy body. I mean the way you just described Toni was simply amazing

Babyface: Well I have to admit you are a beautiful woman Chanté and so is your body and I wasn't talking about Toni

Chanté: But she is the one you fell in love with and married her

Babyface: Yes Toni is all of those things and more but I was talking about you

Chanté: What? Kenny Wh-(Babyface kiss Chanté )

Babyface: I fell in love when we made love and created Diezel but I promised I wouldn't hurt Toni again so I had to hold everything inside

Chanté: I know she's a good woman Kenny so can we finish the other song I changed my mind on " Chanté got a Man" to the other one you showed me earlier

Babyface: Are you sure?

Chanté: Yea I'm sure

Chanté goes in the booth and after 5 hours she was finished it Babyface could tell the song made Chanté feel emotional

As We Never Met

Babyface : Ok Chanté that's a wrap

Chanté: That's a powerful song it speaks heart break

Babyface: yea it does speak that but I wouldn't want you to go through that

Chanté: Thanks but it's too late for that,look I'm gonna head home and get Diezel from Ms E house I will talk to you later

Babyface: Chanté wait!

I can't believe I'm in love with Kenny,I told myself I wouldn't let that happen he's Diezel father and that's it

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