Take it Back

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After Kenny left I checked on the kids and went to my room to scream to the top of my lungs because I was so angry at Kenny I could kill him but I can't cause then our kids would be suffering and I don't want that. How can I ever forgive him?

I really fucked up this time,I have never seen Toni so angry in my life. Right now I'm staying at my condo downtown I'm not going to call Toni for a few days I'm gonna give her some time to cool off. I need to call Chanté to tell her what happen

Babyface calls Chanté

Chanté:Hey baby

Babyface:Don't hey baby me

Chanté: what? What's wrong?

Babyface:You is what's wrong

Chanté: I don't understand

Babyface: Toni saw the message you sent me
Chanté:How? When? You don't have a lock on your phone?

Babyface: While I was in the shower and no I don't have a lock on my phone i don't hide anything from her

Chanté: What happen?

Babyface: She went waiting to exhale on my ass that's what happen

Chanté: lol damn I didn't know Toni was like that

Babyface: Hell yeah my wife may be sweet and nice but don't fuck with her

Chanté:So what now?

Babyface: I'm staying at my condo and I'm giving her some space I'm just letting you know what's going

Chanté:Ok but you were just spending time with your son and things just happen between us

Babyface: Yes I know and it won't happen again I have hurt her enough and I have to save my marriage

Chanté: I understand and you can see your son anytime and I will always love you

Babyface:I will always love you and my son

Chanté: I will see you Friday when you pick up Diezel

Babyface: Ok see you later

Toni called Ms E to talk to her about what happened to her and Babyface

Toni: Mom I need to talk to you

Ms E: Toni baby what's wrong?

Toni: Kenny cheated on me with Chanté

Ms E: I told you all men cheat but I knew something like this was gonna happen I could just feel it in my spirt it was just too good to be true

Toni: Mom I know but part of it is my fault I cheated first with Keri

Ms E: You did what?

Toni: I said I cheated first but it's a long story and me and Kenny worked it out

Ms E:Well I don't want you to end up like me and your father so call Dr Sherri and work this out with Kenny at least for the children sake and don't wait too long to fix it start fixing it tonight

Toni: Thank you Mom I feel much better

Ms E: I'm always here I love you

Toni: I love you too,talk to you later

After talking to Ms E Toni thinks about. What she said about saving her and Kennys marriage

Toni text Babyface 7 days later

Toni~Babyface: Hey can we talk?

Babyface ~Toni: Sure when?

Toni~Babyface: In the morning

Babyface~Toni: Ok Tone I'm Sorry and I love you

Toni~Babyface: I know Kenny I know

Babyface~Toni: What time should we be there?

Toni~ Babyface: We? Who the hell is we?

Babyface~Toni: Toni calm down I'm talking about me and Denim

Toni~Babyface: Oh ok I thought you were talking about you were talking about that bitch! Chanté

Babyface~ Toni: You will not be disrespectful to each other at least for the kids sake

Toni~ Babyface: You should've thought about that before you fucked her

Babyface~Toni : Where you thinking about that when you slept with Keri?

Toni~Babyface:I'm not the one that got a outside child!

Babyface~Toni: Really? Tone we are going there?

Toni~Babyface: Yes!

Babyface~Toni:Oh really ok so I need to get a DNA on Denim?

Toni~Babyface: That's fine with me but I know who his father is and it's you and no one else!

Babyface~Toni:I Will see you in the morning Tone Good Night

Toni~Babyface: Good Night!

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