Roller Coaster

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I wake up next to Chanté admiring her beauty I had a lot of fun with her this weekend she showed me her hometown and shared with me some private things as well, but I can't love her Toni is my wife and I love her very much. I check my phone no call or text from Toni I hope everything is ok with her and Peyton.


I wake up with the sun in my face missing Ken badly I realized I made a mistake by cheating on Ken.In life we all make mistakes so that was my first and last time sleeping with him. I look at my phone it's 7 am Keri let the Nanny in to take care of Peyton. I got to go shopping for our new bed.

Toni receives a text from Babyface

Babyface: Good Morning Beautiful
Toni: Good Morning Baby
Babyface: How are my girls?
Toni:We are missing you,When will you be home?
Babyface: In 5hrs I'm all yours
Toni: I can't wait to see you
Babyface: I can't wait either,kiss Peyton for me I love you
Toni: I love you too

I have 5hrs to get the room changed and things cleaned and cleared before Ken gets home.

Babyface and Chanté

Babyface: Good Morning

Chanté:*sings* Hello my love

Babyface: (kissing) You are glowing this morning

Chanté: Thank you

Babyface: Well I guess we should get packed up to head home

Chanté :Yea it was fun but it's back to reality today

Babyface: So I hope we can-

Chanté: I know keep this between us, I won't tell.matter of fact I'm going to send Keri a text for him to set up our date

Babyface:Keri? You really like Keri?

Chanté: Yea he's handsome and to keep Toni off of us I'm going to go out with him

Babyface: Ok but don't enjoy yourself too much lol

Chanté: lol I will, now let's get home (kissing him)

Babyface and Chanté shower dress and head to the airport to head back to Atlanta.

After making a few calls and shopping around I found everything I needed to redecorate the bedroom.

Toni:Keri! I need your help!

Keri: Yes Toni?

Toni: Can you hang this above the bed

Keri: Sure it's perfect he won't think a thing.

Toni goes to feed and play with Peyton until Babyface is home.


I come home after taking Chanté to her apartment to find Toni playing with Peyton in the living room with Keri watching a movie looking like a family than just Celebrity and Bodyguard or I could be wrong.

Babyface:Hey baby (kissing her lips)what's up Keri

Toni: Hey baby did the promotions go?

Keri: Hey Kenny

Babyface: Everyone loves Chantés single and they want more of her soon,they don't call me the hit maker for no reason

Toni: That's great I'm gonna have to call her to congratulate her

Babyface kiss and play with Peyton

Babyface:I'missed my girls,how did things go Keri?

Keri: Everything went smooth I did my job as always protecting Toni at my best.She had a few run in with the media earlier today but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle

Babyface:Thanks man (man hand shake)
Well I'm going to go upstairs to unpack.

Toni & Keri look at each other and smile as Babyface walk upstairs,Babyface drops his bags when he walks into their bed room

Babyface: Toni! Toni! Come here!

Toni comes upstairs with Peyton in her arms (talking to Peyton) Let's go see what wrong with daddy, Peyton smiles at her

Toni: Ken what's wrong?

Babyface: Toni what the hell happen to the bedroom?This is not my bed!

Toni:Baby I (stutters)

Babyface : You what? Out with it tone?

Toni: I was doing some cleaning,you know out with the old in the the new type of thing so I decided to buy a new bed for us

Babyface :What? Why? That was a $10,000 bed that was custom made

Toni: Well I had to find something to do while you were gone,I was bored,Do you like it?

Babyface: Well next time communicate with me please before you make any changes and Yes I like it

Toni kiss Babyface as he begins to unpack

Toni: I'm gonna go back downstairs to cook dinner

Babyface:Ok love you

Toni:Love you too

Toni gives Peyton to the Nanny to go cook dinner

Toni & Keri

Toni: Omg that was close I thought he was gonna be angry and know what happen.

Keri: Yea I heard, are you ok?

Toni:Yea lets just act like nothing happen  and be professional about things

Keri:Ok I will for now ( kisses her cheek)

Toni goes in the kitchen to cook dinner

After an Hour

Babyface: Baby I missed your home cooking nothing like home cooked food

Toni: Thanks baby, I know when you are on the road all you eat is restaurant food

Keri: That's true Toni cooks better than any other restaurant

Toni: Thanks Keri

Babyface:Especially your desert

Toni almost chokes on her food

Toni: What?

Babyface:Your Peach Cobbler is amazing Momma E. must have gave you the recipe

Toni:(smiles) Yea baby I learned from the best.

They finish up dinner Keri goes to the guest house and Toni and Babyface go up stairs

Toni:Good Night Keri

Keri:Good Night Mrs Edmonds

As Babyface and Toni get ready for bed and check on Peyton she's sleeping after nanny leaves.

Toni: Ken I'm glad you are back home

Babyface :Me too I missed waking up to your beautiful face in the morning

Toni:Same here

Toni cuddles into Babyface to fall asleep


I can't sleep all I can think about is Chanté and what happen as I look around the room I look in the trash to see a bottle of KY Massage Oil that has been used,What is it doing on the trash can? Something happen here and I'm going to find out,what Toni doesn't know is I installed micro cameras all over the house including our bedroom.....

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