Security Please!

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We walk in to find our house completely destroyed I think I have a very good idea who did this if I wasn't pregnant I would kick her ass. As I read the note I become angry.

You think you have the perfect life bitch think again, I'm watching you every little move you make and you better pray nothing happens to your sweet little baby

Your worst nightmare

As I read the the note tears start to come down my face i rub my stomach I turn around to find Ken gone from downstairs.


I'm so tired of this bitch! She thinks I'm playing! I'm going to make sure sure she doesn't hurt Toni or the baby I'm going to call Chris to see if he know anyone that can help.

Calling Chris

Chris: Hey Face what's up

Babyface: I need your help,Someone is making threats and they broke into our house we need security and a personal bodyguard for Toni

Chris: Sorry to hear that yea I know some guys that I can get for you including a personal one for Toni

Babyface:Thanks Man cause Toni doesn't need the stress with the baby

Chris: No problem

I hang up with Chris and call a clean up crew to help with the damage. While Toni is resting in the guest room.

Babyface: Tone are you ok?

Toni: No Ken read this note

Babyface reads the note he crumble the note up out of anger

Babyface: Don't worry Tone it's going to be fine I have someone coming to protect you and our house

Toni: Thanks baby but I don't need protecting I can kick her ass myself with this ( shows him the gun)

Babyface: Not at 6 months Pregnant,Tone put the gun down!

Toni:Ken it not loaded, yet lol

Doorbell rings,Babyface answers the door

Babyface:May I help you?

Babyface Pov
Who is this guy in this suit he looks like he works at a big law firm

Unknown: Yea Chris sent me,you were asking for a bodyguard for your fiancé

Babyface: Yea How long have you been doing this?

Unknown: 6 yrs

Babyface: Ok great how soon can you start?

Unknown: Tomorrow, and how much will I get paid?

Babyface: Good cause I have work tomorrow and I will pay you $5,000 a week You are going to have to stay here at the guess house in the back is that ok?

Unknown:Ok no problem,it's perfect and don't worry she will be safe with me.

Babyface: Ok (shakes hands) see you tomorrow, Oh by the way what's your name?

Unknown: My name is Keri sir

Babyface: Oh ok,lol Please call my Kenny

Keri: Ok cool see ya tomorrow

Keri walks out and Babyface calls police to take out a Temporary Restraining Order out on Nicole. and file a report.

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