We got Love

601 28 2

1 Month Later

So I hired a private investigator to find out what Nicole did with the video and come to find out the video showed me walking in and walking out but then there was another guy in the bathroom that looked like me. Vivid entertainment gave her $20,000 for the tape and it's not me! Me and Toni have been going to see Dr Sheri to work on our relationship before we get married. Tonight I'm going to ask Toni out on a date to see if she would move back into the house with me

Texting Toni

Babyface: Hey beautiful

Toni: Hey Ken

Babyface:How Is your day going

Toni: It's going good I'm at the movies with mom

Babyface: That's good tell her I said hello

Toni: She says Hey

Babyface: I was wondering will you go on a date with me tonight?

Toni: Sure, I would like that

Babyface: Ok be ready at 8:00 please

Toni:Ok I will

Babyface: love you see you soon

Toni: I love you too 😘

Every since the incident Ken has been working hard to show me I can trust him again. I have been staying at moms place until me and Ken work things out. For the past week I had been feeling depressed I ate a lot of pancakes and cried my little heart out every time I saw a love story on tv. My mom thinks I'm Pregnant and don't know it. I'm gonna go to see Dr Jackie today to prove my mom wrong.

Dr Jackie Office

Dr J: So you think you could be pregnant

Toni: My mom thinks so,I know I'm not I have just been depressed lately

Dr J: Well just to be safe let me run some test and we will go from there.

The nurse gets samples from Toni and rush the results

Dr J: Well Toni I have your results and...

Toni: I knew it I'm just going through a dark phase I will be fine

Dr J: Yea you will be fine in 9 months! Toni You are Pregnant!

Toni sat there crying while hugging Dr Jackie.

Toni: Omg are you sure! This can't be happening right now it's a bad time.

Dr J: Toni it's ok you are going to be fine and I'm sure at some point you and Kenny were going to start having kids.

Toni: Yea we talked about it but I didn't think it would happen this soon.

Dr J: Well let's see how far you are with a ultra sound

Toni lays on the table as the gel is put on her stomach.

Dr J: Well it looks like you are 6 weeks along and it has a strong heartbeat

Toni: wow that's amazing

Dr J: Yes it is I will see you in a few weeks congratulations mommy.

Toni:Thank you


Wow I'm going to be a mommy, I can't believe there is a little person inside of me right now,but how is Ken going to take this? I will tell him tonight at dinner. As I'm getting ready for this date I have the radio on Chanté Moore(Alright) comes on and that's when I knew everything was going to be fine between me and Ken. I'm glad my stomach is still small so Ken won't notice.

Babyface comes by to pick up Toni

Babyface: you look beautiful Tone you are glowing

Toni: thank you and you look handsome too

Toni and Babyface head to the restaurant

Lé Marcos

Babyface: Hi I have reservations for Edmonds

Host: Right this way

She took them in the back to a private room

Host: Your waiter will be right with you

Toni: it's beautiful in here

Babyface: I had them to do this special for you tone, I know we are working on our relationship but I need you, I miss waking up to your beautiful face in the morning seeing you smile just everything.

Toni: I know I miss you too I don't want to fight anymore.

Waiter: Hi my name is Tim may I take your order
Babyface: Yes we will take the chicken Alfredo and your best champagne

Toni: Can you bring some water please
Waiter: Thank You your order will be up shortly

Babyface hands Toni 2 boxes

Toni: What are the boxes for Ken?

Babyface: I wanted to give you two things tonight,open the first box

Toni opens the box

Toni: it's a key

Babyface: Yes it's to our house surprise! During our break I went house searching because we need something to call ours and not just " my house" you can decorate it to your taste.

Toni begins to cry

Toni: wow I had no idea

Toni opens the other box and she gasp

Babyface: tone you are my everything I love you and I can't see my life without you will you marry me again?

Toni: before I give you my answer,what about Nicole?

Babyface: I checked into that and it's not what she claimed it to be and I was set up

Toni: Really?

Babyface: Yes really I will show you when I get home

Toni: You promise to never hurt me again?

Babyface: I swear on my life

Toni: Well I'm going to say Yes! I will marry you again

Babyface kisses Toni

Waiter brings food and champagne and water

Babyface:Let's toast to new beginnings

Toni: Wait! Before you poor the champagne there is something I need to tell you

Babyface: Are you having second thoughts?

Toni: No Ken it's not that,so we are fixing to embark on new beginnings together as husband and wife well get ready because we are going to embrace another beginning

Babyface: What are You trying to say?

Toni: Baby I'm pregnant! ( crying)

Babyface: Are you serious? My baby having a baby! You are going to be the perfect mother

Babyface leans in and kisses Toni

Toni: Thanks Ken and you are going to be the perfect father

Babyface: *toast* To new beginnings
I will show you the house in the morning

Toni:Ok I can't wait to see it

Babyface take Toni home and kiss her

Toni: Good night Ken

Babyface: Goodnight Mommy( placing his hand on her stomach)

Toni blushes

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