Family First

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Me and Toni arrived atUCSF Benioff Children's Hospital a lot was going through my mind to what could be wrong with Diezel,When we got there Chante was sitting in the waiting room I could tell she had been crying

Babyface and Toni hug Chante

Babyface: Hey we got here as soon as we could,what happen?

Chante: Well he was playing with his friends  and he started throwing up and wouldn't stop then he fainted

Babyface:Has the doctor said anything?

Chante: No I have been waiting for hours,im sorry I ruined  your day

Toni: Its Ok Chante family comes first

Chante: Thanks

45 minutes later

Doctor: Edmonds family??

Babyface: Yes we are his family

Doctor: Your son is lucky he came in when he did, he was very dehydrated and his heart had a hole in it but we repaired it and  he's going to be fine

Chante: Oh thank god

Toni: How soon can we see him?

Doctor: Hes in room 205 he should be waking up soon

Babyface: Thank You Doctor

Chante,Toni,and Babyface walked into Diezel room he woke up asking Chante what happen

Diezel: Mom?

Chante: Yes baby I'm here (holding his hand) and so is your dad

Diezel: What happen?

Babyface: Hey son you had a little problem with your heart but you are ok now

Diezel: All I remember is playing with my firends and then I blacked out

Chante: Yea but all that matters you are ok now

Toni: Hey Diez how are you feeling?

Diezel: Im a little sore but I'm ok

Chante, Toni,and Babyface stayed with diezel until visiting hours were over

Babyface:Well son we have to go to the hotel to check in we will see you in the morning

Babyface and Toni hug Diezel

Babyface: We love you son see you on the morning

Diezel: love you too dad

Chante: Wait! I can't let you go to a hotel,why don't yall stay at my house until Diezel comes home

Babyface: Toni what do you think about that?

Toni:Its fine with me honey family first plus I can help Chante with Summer

Chante: Thanks Toni

Toni:No problem

Chante:Here are the keys make yourself comfortable

Babyface: Ok I will be back first thing Monday morning

2 weeks  pass Diezel was discharged from the hospital with a good report from the doctor and Babyface and Toni flew back to Los Angeles

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