
346 18 11

9 months later

Toni released her album "The Heat" a month ago it quickly went to billboard charts at #1 for several weeks.

Today is the video shoot for song "Spanish Guitar" (Studio City)

Babyface: Baby you look amazingly beautiful

Toni: Thank you, I think red looks good on me

Babyface:You can't even tell you have had 2 kids,you keep looking like that it's going to be 3

Toni:Ha Ha Ha Ken that shop is closed honey I'm not having anymore babies

Babyface and Toni continued to talk until Toni got called to the set after 12hrs they were finished.As they were leaving heading to the hotel Chanté calls

Babyface: Hello?

Chanté : Hey Kenny I know you are busy in L.A with Toni but I just wanted to let you know I'm in labor!

Babyface: Ok we are headed to the hotel now we get on the Jet meet you there in 5 hrs

Chanté: Ok see you soon

Babyface and Toni go to the hotel to pack and get on his private Jet to head back to Atlanta

Atlanta (Northside Hospital )

Babyface drops Toni off at Ms house to get the kids while he goes to the hospital

Receptionist: Hey may I help you?

Babyface: Yes Labor and Delivery

Receptionist: 3rd floor

Babyface goes to the 3rd floor to find Chanté still in labor after 9hrs

Chanté: I'm glad you made it Kenny,Where is Toni?

Babyface: She is at Ms E house with the kids she said she will be up here after you have the baby

Chanté : Ok good Ahhh! I can't take this pain

Nurse comes in

Babyface: Can she get some pain medicine?

Nurse: Sure, the doctor should be in here shortly

40mins pass Dr Jackie walks in

Doctor Jackie:Ok Chanté you are almost ft here I'm going to give you some pain medicine to help you relax and then we should have your baby girl here in a few

Chanté: Thank You

Doctor Jackie leaves

Babyface:So are you ready to meet our little girl?

Chanté: Yes she is going to beautiful and this is going to be my last baby I'm getting my tubes tied after this

Babyface: Lol

Chanté: Why are you laughing

Babyface: Because Toni said the same thing a few hours ago at the video shoot

Chanté: Great minds think a like

After a while Chanté doze off from the pain medication

After 2hrs

Doctor Jackie: Ok Chanté on the count of 3 I want you to push 1....2....3 Push!

Chanté: Aghhh! Kenny help me

Babyface: I'm right here just concentrate on your breathing and push

After 15 minutes of pushing

Doctor Jackie: Welcome to the World baby ..

Babyface: Baby Edmonds

Chanté : Kenny she's beautiful

Babyface: Yes just like you (kisses forehead) you did a great job

Chanté: Thanks I couldn't do it without you

Babyface: So what are we going to name her

Chanté:Summer Edmonds

Babyface: I think she likes it,she gave you a smile I'm gonna step outside to call Toni tell tell her the good news.

Summer Edmonds

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Summer Edmonds

7pounds 8oz

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