Room for a Princess

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As I'm standing here talking to Toni I can't help but to admire her beauty but I have to keep my thoughts to my self,I'm just her bodyguard I can't tell her and she's getting married in two weeks

In the car on the way home

Toni: So what did you want to tell me Keri?

Keri: I just wanted to say how beautiful you looked this morning you are glowing

Toni: Thanks I get that all the time

Keri: And what was it that you wanted to tell me?

Toni:Last night I had a dream about you

Keri: Really? (Smiling) what was it about?

Toni: I dreamed I wasn't pregnant and we were having sex in the shower

Keri: Wow Ok I wasn't expecting that, I mean don't get me wrong you are beautiful but I wouldn't want to do anything to break up your marriage to Kenny

Toni: It was just a dream, I guess cause of the interaction we had yesterday I guess,btw can you stop me by Taco Bell please we are hungry

Keri: Ok no problem let's get m-y I mean your little girl something to eat, what would you like

Toni gave Keri her food order and they finally made it home.

At Toni and Kenny House

Keri: So how was the food?

Toni:Yummy!! She liked it she's kicking up a storm see ( taking Keri hand placing it on her stomach) laughing

Keri: I'm gonna take this stuff up stairs to the nursery

Keri comes back downstairs to find Toni asleep on the sofa,he picks her up and takes her upstairs to her bedroom

Right when Keri lay her down on the bed she wakes up

Toni:Thank you I was tired ( looking into his eyes)

Keri: No problem

He leans in and kiss Toni

Keri: I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that

Toni: it's ok don't worry about we just got caught up in the moment

Keri: I'm gonna go to the guess house if you need me just call

Toni: Ok I will

3hrs pass

Toni is in the nursery putting pictures up and hanging up the baby clothes

Toni: ( speaking into intercom) Keri could you come to the nursery

Keri: Sure I'm on my way

In the  nursery

Keri: Are you ok?

Toni: Yea I just need you to hang these wings on the wall for me and help me put the stroller together

Keri: Ok sure, but don't you want Kenny to help you with the stroller?

Toni: Yes but he's been busy with Whitney lately and before you know it she will be here

Keri: I understand

Toni: thank you, so when are you going to start dating someone?

Keri: I'm not dating right now I want to focus on my career right now

Toni:It has to be someone that has caught your eye

Keri: Well yea it is but I can't tell her how I feel

Toni:Why? I'm sure she would love to have someone like you

Keri:I'm shy

Toni: yea so am I but now I'm getting married to Ken next month

Keri: Speaking of Wedding how is it coming along?

Toni: It's going fine My sisters are handling everything I'm going to be stress free.

Keri:Good so you are ready to be  Mrs Edmonds?

Toni: Yea I'm marrying my best friend

Keri: Well Congratulations 

Toni: Thank you(smiling)

Keri: Well I'm all finished and if I do say my self we did good

Toni: Yea everything is perfect just they way I wanted it, thanks ( hugging Keri)

As Toni is hugging Keri as they separate Toni looks into his eyes she smiles at him before kissing him

Toni : Omg I'm sorry my hormones are all over the place ( tears falling from her face)

Keri:Don't be sorry ( whipping the tears away)

Just when the kiss ended Babyface walked in

Toni: Hey baby

Babyface: Hey what's going on?

Toni: Keri was helping me with the stroller and hang a few things on the wall

Babyface:Ok great it looks good, Are you ok Tone?

Toni: Yea it's just so beautiful that's all,I can't wait for her to get here 

Babyface hugs Toni

Toni: I'm going to go lay down guys see you later

Babyface and Keri finish putting the other things together for the nursery

Keri: So are you ready for fatherhood?

Babyface: Yea I'm looking forward to it,I'm going to give her the world.

Keri: Are you ready for the wedding?

Babyface: Yea all I have to do is show up lol
Keri: lol Well congrats on everything

Babyface:Thanks man

After they finished Keri went to the guest house Babyface went  to check on Toni

Getting in bed with Toni

Babyface: So how are my girls doing

Toni: (smiling) We are doing good she's been moving a lot today

Babyface : Do you need anything?

Toni: No not right now I just want to go sleep

Babyface: Ok let me know, goodnight( kissing Toni)

Toni: Goodnight


Toni Pov

I couldn't sleep so I decided to go downstairs to get some ice cream as I was walking down the stairs I could hear the piano being played it sounds beautiful.

Someone speaks to Toni in the kitchen causing Toni to jump

Unknown: I told you to let me know if you needed anything

Toni: Keri ? What are you doing up

Keri: I couldn't sleep so I decided to play some music

Toni: That was you? I thought it was Ken

Keri: Yea I like to play I use to play when I was younger.  ( walking over to her)

Toni: That was beautiful  kind of sounded like music that would put you to sleep

Keri:Thank you ( reaching for some of Toni ice cream)

Toni: Back off my Rocky Road Ice Cream

Keri: Come on just a little ? (Laughing)

Toni: Ok just a little (laughing) well let me get back upstairs before Ken misses me will you walk with me later?

Keri: I have to remember,lol

Toni: lol yea see you later

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