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3 Days Later

I came from from the hospital with the house filled with flowers it looks like heaven.Ken and mommy help me to my room,while Keri get the rest of my things out of the car. As I lay here looking at my baby girl, she's so beautiful and Ken was right she does look like me lol I'm thankful to have Kenny and Keri by my side to help me through this. I know mommy thinks Keri is a bad person but so far he has been the perfect guy,for Tamar but we will see what happens.

The sisters visits for a while then they leave to go get lunch and spend time with Ms E

Babyface: So how are you feeling Tone?

Toni: I feel tired but also hungry

Babyface: Ok I will go downstairs and cook you something to eat.

Toni: Thanks baby (kissing him on the lips)

Keri comes upstairs with Toni things

Keri: Here are your things where would you like for me to put them?

Toni: Thank You,You can put them in my closet down the hall I will go through them sometime in the week.

Keri: So how is motherhood so far?

Toni: I'm loving it we ( Kissing Peyton) bonded the moment I held her

Keri: See I told you, you were going to be a good mother a sexy one at that! Lol

Toni: ( blushing) Thanks Keri lol, So where are you and Tamar going on y'all date?

Keri: I'm going to do a Dinner & Movie and then maybe some shopping if she's up for it.

Toni: Lol know Tamar she's always up for some retail therapy,and have a good time.

Keri: I will try, and I will be sure to bring you back something.

Babyface comes in with a food tray

Toni : Mmm baby that looks good finally some home cooked food.

Babyface cooked Steak smothered in onions a loaded baked potato made a salad with Italian dressing 

Keri: Well I'm going to go get ready for my date with Tamar,see y'all later

Toni & Babyface: Bye!

While Toni and Babyface take care of Peyton Tamar and Keri are out on their date.

Toni is in the nursery with Peyton Babyface is sleeping he has to be at the studio in the morning. Toni is singing to Peyton when someone starts singing with her

Toni: (smiling) So you know the words?

Keri: Of course, who doesn't know the words to "You mean the world to me"lol

Toni: So how was your date with Tamar?

Keri: It was interesting she funny and to believe it or not she's shy and you were right she loves to shop, I had a great time
with her,but I'm not sure if it's going to be a second date.

Toni: Why not?

Keri: She said we have some things  in common but she really likes this guy name Vincent Herbert so we are better off friends.

Toni: The Music producer at interscope records?

Keri: Yea that's him she spent the whole night talking about him. She said she will talk to you about him tomorrow. We did go shopping and while we were in Tiffanys & Co. I got this for Peyton

Keri reaches in his pocket and hands Toni a box Toni opens it and it's a baby rattle

Toni: Aww thank you it's perfect I'm going to put this right next to her Tiffany bear Kenny gave her.

Keri: You are welcome ( kisses Peyton on the head ) Well I'm going to bed see you in the morning.

Toni: Keri wait, would you like to hold her?

Keri: Sure let me wash my hands first

Toni place Peyton in Keri arms

Toni: You look very comfortable with her, you are going to make a great father one day

Keri: Thank you, well goodnight I'm going to bed call me if you need me.

Toni: Good Night Keri

Unexpected Toni kisses Keri passionately

" I love you", someone said

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