Meeting Chanté

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I walk in to find Toni in the shower curled up sleep. She looks like she's been crying I need to find out what's going on...

Babyface: Toni! Tone! Wake up!

Toni: Ken? What's wrong?

Babyface:Baby you fell asleep in the shower it must of been some shower

Toni: Yea it was, How long have you been here?

Babyface: About 30mins

Toni:Oh ok I need to put my clothes on

Babyface helps Toni out the shower to her closet.

Toni: Have you seen Keri?

Babyface: Yea he's in the guest house,come on there is someone I want you to meet

Toni gets dressed and as she is getting she starts to have flash backs of what happen between her and Keri and she realize it was just a dream

As Toni is walking down the steps she see a beautiful woman standing next to Babyface

Babyface:Tone this is my new artist Chanté Moore meet my wife To-

Chanté: Toni Braxton! I love all your songs it's so nice to meet you

Toni: Thank you it's nice to meet you too so how long have you been working with Kenny?

Chanté: Just a few weeks, I've already recorded my first single " Loves taken Over"

Babyface: And it's already at #4

As Toni, Babyface and Chanté were talking Keri walks in

Toni: Oh Hi Keri this is Chanté Moore Kennys new artist

Keri kiss Chanté hand when he shakes it

Keri:It's nice to meet you Ms Chanté Moore you are beautiful

Chanté: Thank you Keri and You are handsome yourself

Toni looks at Keri and Babyface looks at Chanté

Keri: So How Did you meet Kenny?

Chanté: Well I'm from California and I was performing at a night club hoping someone would discover me because at the time I was modeling in pageants and since I grew up in the church I noticed one day I had a gift and a few weeks ago a guy name Chris approached me and asked me to come to Laface to do some demos for Kenny and here I'am

Keri: Well I'm glad you signed to Laface Records Kenny is the man when when it comes to hit songs

Babyface: Thanks Keri

Toni: Chanté when you said a guy named Chris approached you, We-

Babyface: Yes baby your manager Chris

Toni: Oh ok cool,Well how about you stay for dinner

Chanté: Thank you

Babyface: Come on I will show you the rest of the house

Chanté and Babyface leave the living room to view the rest of the house

Toni: Keri what are you doing?

Keri: I'm trying to make it look like we are trying to be together to Kenny

Toni: Well can you not be so charming

Keri: Ohhhh are we a little jealous?

Toni: Maybe lol

Keri: Well you have nothing to worry about, btw did you peep how Kenny was looking at her?

Toni: No I was busy looking at how friendly you were being to Chanté

Toni hears Peyton cry

Toni:I will be back I'm going to get Peyton

As Keri watch Toni go up the steps to the nursery Chanté and Babyface come back from touring the house.

Keri: So Chanté how are you liking Atlanta so far?

Chanté: So far I'm loving it I really like Dunwoody it's a little slow paced than California and Kenny has been a gentleman showing me around the area so I can get comfortable

Keri: That's great maybe me and you can go out to dinner sometime

No! Someone yelled

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